Chapter 4 - Talk with Zayn

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"Thank you New York! You've been amazing!" Zayn shouted into the microphone, his voice booming around the arena. 

I can't believe that yesterday, yesterday Niall and I pulled the girls on stage and introduced them to the world. Katie as Niall's girlfriend and Reese as my... crush

That, was yesterday. How things change within a day.

A day.

After Reese hung up on me earlier I've been in an even worse mood than I was before! The boys have been looking after me, not forcing me to interact with the crowd. I love interacting with them, I'm just not in the mood. As we walked off stage I got a few dirty looks from various stage people, annoyed that I didn't really do anything. 

Suddenly a big hand hit my shoulder, squeezing it a little before he slightly bumped into me. 

"You okay?" Asked Zayn, I looked at him as he passed his mic to some stage person. 

"I'll be okay. I just don't know what to do."

"Wait, in here." He opened a door into a dressing room that wasn't in use and beckoned me in. I looked at him weirdly.

"You're not planning to attack me in here or something, right?" I winked, he rolled his eyes. He shut the door and sat on the sofa, awaiting my explanation.

"Why don't you know what to do?"

I sighed, "I was going to go to London and tell Reese how I felt but then they were all cancelled and then I thought I better not go and just let her get on with her life-"

"-Right." He nodded.

"Then Harry called her earlier and he gave me the phone so that we could talk and then.."

"And then...?"

"She hung up on me."

Zayn's eyes went wide, "Wow.. I didn't think she was like that." He said, looking at me.

I sighed and stroked my face with my hands, "No, she isn't. She freaked out I think. What do you think I should do?"

I sat next to him and watched as he slowly looked at me.

"Do you love her?"

"Excuse me?"

"Do you love her?" He asked again, seriousness drowning his features.

I fiddled in my pocket and took out the locket that I was going to give her.

"Where did you get that?" He asked.

"Last night, when all the drama was happening I was planning on asking her to be my girlfriend that night. Then I realised she was up set and decided towait until the morning. Then... this morning I skyped Danielle asking her opinion on it. She told me to go for it, see? Reese had it all wrong."

"This still doesn't answer my question." Zayn stated, I handed the locket to him.

"Open it."

He did so and nodded.


Inside it said,

I love you.

So I think it answered his question.

"So do you think I should go?"

"Yeah, man. You need to go."

It's like something clicked in me, like a lightbulb going off. I should be with her now! I should've flown out on our private jet or something! How could I have been so stupid? I love her.

I love her.

I opened the door and jogged down the corridor, bumping into Harry.

"Whoa, dude! Where're you going?"

"To London." I beamed.

"But we're going to Florida tomorrow, you can't!"

I stared at him, "Are you seriously gonna keep me from telling the girl I love that I love her?" I growled.

"Don't worry, we'll cover for you." He smiled.

I grinned back and hit him lightly on the shoulder.

I ran off and jumped into a taxi. Again, ignoring the screaming fans.

I guess I really am going to London, for real this time.


Filler chapter I know, but I had no idea what to write! Keep reading though, I promise it will get better!

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I love you.

~Jordan(: x

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