Chapter 26 - Your voice keeps me sane

137 4 9

Wednesday 17th March 2013


Where are you?

Are you safe?

How are you dealing with your depression?

Are you getting better?

Or worse?

Please come back to me, Reese. I miss you. Ever since that dick phoned me I've been even more worried. Does he control you?

The boys are very brief when they talk about you, like they're scared to hurt me. Like I'm fragile.

Is that what it was like for you? You know... after the incident?

Because if it was, then...

You have no idea how sorry I am.

To be treated like a child? For everything to be sugar coated and to never be told anything remotely negative? It's almost like they're scared I'll act on it. 

Please don't take this offensively, because that's not my intention but, I don't even have depression. So why am I being treated like everyone was treating you?

I've tried phoning you; over and over again. 

You never answer.

I'm so sick of your voicemail.

I don't even get to hear your voice, ir's a robotic woman telling me to speak after the beep. I don't know whether that twat has given you your phone back (if he hasn't then I can think of worse words for him) but could you please change your voicemail to your voice? Even if I don't get to speak to you directly... 

I just miss you.

So fucking much.

I've realised that your voice is what keeps me sane, and I am trying so hard not to let insanity engulf me. Maybe the boys know that? Maybe that's why I'm being treated like a fragile old man.

I know this is weird, I'm writing you a letter for gods sake. Who writes letters anymore?!

No one.

But I've been speaking to my mum lately and she suggested writing you a letter. She even offered to check on you for me. I said yes.

But only if you're ok with it.

I don't know how sick minded that bastard is but just encase he's gone to such lengths I got my sister to write this for me. I told her by text what to say, she's just writing it.

This whole letter might seem a bit vague and a tad random but I just have so much to say to you. It's been eating me alive.

I'm not going to put everything in this letter, because I don't want to overwhelm you.

So, that's about it.

Oh, I love you.

Please, please, please reply.

I miss you so unbelievably much.

I hope you're getting better, I still haven't lost faith in you. You'll get through this, gorgeous.

I promise.

On my life.

All my love,

                                  Your Liam. xx


I missed this story, and it almost makes me cry now I'm writing it again.

I just thought I owed all you readers of this story a little present for waiting so patiently for so long.

Remember, I love you.

~Jordan x

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