Chapter 34 - Paranoia

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2 hours earlier.

Reese's P.O.V

Nine minutes past four in the morning...


Ten minutes past four in the morning...


Eleven minutes past four in the morning...


Twelve mi-

-It's still only eleven minutes past four in the morning?! Why does time have to go so slowly when you can't sleep?

I toss and turn but no matter what I do I cannot sleep.

Maybe It's because Lux keeps moving around.

Or maybe it's because my bed is uncomfortable.

Or maybe it's just too hot.

Or maybe it's because I can't stop thinking about Liam and Mark.

What if Mark finds me? What if he's already found Liam? What if he's trying to force information out of Katie?


What if- What if- What if! My mind just won't rest!

Now I have to find Katie. I need to speak to her. I don't care what time it is. Fuck sleep. This is too important.

My paranoia is much more important than sleep.


I gently slide off the sofa bed and find my phone to use as a torch as I try and find my clothes.

It's useless. Every movement I make, Lux stirs.

Eventually I give up and step out into the hotel hallway in a random T-shirt and an old pair of tracksuit bottoms that I was sleeping in. My bare feet padding against the thin carpet as I make my way to my best friend's room. As I stand outside her door, readying myself to knock, my eyes land on the door down the bottom of the hallway. The gold numbers reading '630' as they glimmer under the dim lights.

Liam's room.

My mouth goes dry as I allow images of him to invade my mind. My stomach churns and I shiver, I cross my arms over my chest as I try to pull myself together.

He's just a boy.

I face Katie's door and soon I'm knocking on it. Having to repeat the action four times before I'm heard. Whispering floats through the cracks in the door frame as my patience begins to run thin.

"Katie!" I whisper rather loudly, knocking once more before the door is ever so slightly opened. A squinting Niall watches me, the tip of his nose grazing the gold chain that kept the door and the frame attached.

"Reese?" He croaks, his eyebrows furrowing as my presence begins to confuse him.

I roll my eyes as he yawns. Some people are just useless!

"Katie?" I call louder, aiming through the crack in the door.

"She's on the toilet..." Niall informs me in a 'duh' tone. Obviously I'm meant to have some sort of psychic power that makes me know what everyone is doing at every second.

He then sighs, "...Come in. She'll be out in a minute."

I send him a kind smile as he shuts the door on me. I hear rattling as he unlocks all the bolts, eventually he reappears with a brighter look on his face. He steps aside to let me in, just as he's shutting the door I hear the toilet flush and out walks a zombie like Katie. Her hair a complete bee's nest and her oversized shirt hanging from her.

Her eyes land on me and she huffs. She's always been moody at night, even whilst clubbing she can be a bit of a stroppy cow.

"What do you waaant?" She whines, rubbing her left eye with her left fist.

I cross my arms over my chest as I look around the room. "Er... Er-erm..." I point to Niall, "C-can we go out onto the balcony?"

Katie nods as she understands that I want a private conversation. Niall shrugs and collapses onto their bed again, snuggling his head into the sheets.

I rolled my eyes at his childish manner and followed my best friend onto her balcony. I rested my arms on the edge whilst I looked out at the city, trying to figure what I was actually doing here.

Shivers ran up my body as a gust of wind blew over me, causing the hairs on my arms to stand up.

I turned to Katie and watched her long black hair wrap around her face as the wind teased the strands, dancing around it like it was showing off a choreographed dance.


It's bloody freezing!

The wind died down a bit, and as it did I heard Katie sigh, "So, what's up?"

I sighed back, "To be perfectly honest... I haven't got a clue." I paused, mulling my answer over. "Actually, that's a lie." I snapped, matter of factly. "I couldn't sleep... My paranoia was driving me crazy. " I admitted, rubbing my eye."

"That's perfectly normal, Ree. You've been through a lot lately so being a little paranoid about things is expected." She calmly explained, she then took in a good, deep breath. "Although, there has to be some specific thing you're paranoid about..." She trailed off.


Before my mind could process my thoughts, my mouth was already saying them. "Liam."

Her face lit up like a fucking chinese lantern.

"Aw, Ree!" She squealed, causing me the cringe and shiver at the same time. "You two HAVE to be together by this time tomorrow. He HAS to ask you to be his girlfriend! You've both waited so long.." She trailed off, her eyebrows creasing together.

"I know, " I pause, "but I thought he was going to do it when I arrived earlier, you know, considering all that stuff he said to me about waiting for me to be better and healed or something." I lean against the side of the balcony, scratching my head.

Neither of us said anything for a few minutes. Part of me was wondering if she found the topic of our conversation awkward or whether she was just thinking.

Suddenly she spoke, "I think I'll text him in a bit, see what his plans are about you." She grinned a very evil grin, chuckling at the end of the sentence. "Do you want me to tell you what he says?" She asked.

I was about to nod, before I yawned and changed my mind. "No, actually, don't. Only tell me if he says anything that'll make me angry, sad or jealous. Capiche?" I ordered at her.

She nodded in understanding, another yawn escaping from my lips. Niall's mild snoring drifted towards us and so I took that as a sign to leave. After all, I needed my sleep.

"Night, Ree." Katie called as I waved to her before disappearing through my hotel door, catching my little toe on the doorstop before falling onto my bed, my eyelashes fluttering closed.

I was so tired.

Tomorrow was either going to incredible, or make me completely fall apart.

And it all hang in the hands of a boy who saved my life.

Funny, eh?


Hello everyone!

This chapter was a filler, just to fill you in on the story behind Katie's random text to Liam.

Half of this got deleted, so I had to re write it. So, sorry if the updating took p a while..

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