Chapter 21 - Valentines Day {Part 2}

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*You're so bad for me, but I'm addicted to your danger*

Still Saturday 14th February

3 and a half weeks later

Valentines Day

"I'm just going to the toilets." Jessie stated in my ear as she got up. I nodded, a huge smile on my face. I watched her walk away, the red tips of her hair swaying just under her shoulder blades.

I've lost Harry now, the last time I saw him he was being dragged to the floor by Serena.

I took the last sip of my beer and realised how lucky I've been tonight. Literally, I stepped into this club and the first girl I find I hit it off perfectly with!

Okay, maybe didn't find her, but still, it doesn't make me any less lucky.

The alcohol is starting to take a effect now, only a little bit. I feel all giddy and I have those butterflies whenever I somehow manage to pry Jessie's uncontrollable laughter out of the pit of her stomach. I wouldn't normally go for a girl like her, she's just so different to Reese.

Well, different to who Reese is now.

No, Liam. Don't get into the depressive stage again, don't think about her.

I looked up and saw Jessie fast walking out of the toilet, smirking at me. She grabbed her leather jacket that was on the bar and winked at me.

"Let's bail."

A smirk immediately rose onto my lips, my heart pounding a little more with adrenaline by the second. The sheer glint in Jessie's eye promised adventure.

I haven't had that in a while.

I nodded and paid the bartender, as I shrugged on my coat Jessie suddenly grasped my hand, curling her cold fingers around my own. My heart jumped with nerves and confusion at her sudden hold, I searched for her blue irises but they weren't looking at me.

All at once I was yanked out of my previous state and forced to run. Jessie's hand was still clamped around mine and the pressure she was using seemed to escalate as we ran.

"Hold it!" Jessie screamed at the man coming in through the door. I watched as his eyes fell onto Jessie's and he quickly stepped back, Jessie didn't even nod a thank you at him. I did though, he shot me a warning look.

What was that for?

I was rapidly dragged out of my thoughts as my body hit the chilly night air, the cool particles sticking to the beads of sweat sitting on my forehead. I hadn't realised how hot it had been in the nightclub. Also, it was a relief to be away from the stench of vomit and alcohol.

As I looked around I realised that Jessie and I were no longer anywhere near the nightclub, where we currently were I had never seen before. A pang of worry engulfed my stomach for a minute, wondering whether Jessie is trustworthy. I shook that thought away when she stopped, just on the edge of an enormous field.

"Where are we?" I asked, my voice echoing around the nature.

Jessie simply put her finger to her lips, gesturing for me to keep quiet. This brought another pang of worry to my attention, but my curiosity with this girl over-powered it.

She slowly unclasped my hand and gently stepped into the field, I followed her, watching where I stepped.

Where is she leading me?

I looked up at the sky and gasped, it was so clear and the stars looks so bright. I saw bats flapping across my vision, flying in their random paths, following their meal. My focus on the bats was distracted when I heard the hoot of an owl, my head whipped towards the trees and I saw two bright yellow eyes peering at me through the branches. It took my breath away, it was incredible.

I looked down to the field, attempting to show Jessie the beauty of it all, but she was no where to be seen. It was pitch black - which didn't help - but I couldn't find her. Normally the moonlight is reflecting off her leather jacket, but all I see is grass.

"Jessie?" I whispered, squinting to see through the darkness.

"Liam." I heard someone hiss. My head shot around me, searching for the noise. "Liam, I'm over here."

I walked to my left, totally blind. Suddenly something caught hold of my wrist and tugged me downwards, I fell into the soft grass. I turned to my left and Jessie was staring at me, frustration clear on her face.

"What?" I questioned, she was about to answer when he head snapped towards the entrance of the field. She lifted her head up and peered over the grass.

"Shit!" She whispered, lying back down and covering her face.

"What?" I repeated, quieter this time. I looked up and two men entered the field, beer bottles in hand.

"Jessieee! Jessicaaa!" They slurred.

She glanced at me, "I'm really sorry, I thought they would take longer getting pissed. I thought we'd have time to escape. I'm so sorry, Liam. Just do everything I say, follow in my footsteps, okay? If you do, we might just get out of here alive."


Hey guys, I planned on making this longer but I thought I might leave it on a cliff hanger!

This isn't the last part btw, there will probably be one final part of the Valentines Day trilogy. So don't you worry, I'm not gonna totally abandon you on such a huuuggge cliff hanger :D I'd like ot hear who your favourite characters are so far! It can be anyone, main characters to tiny ones. I'm just intrigued. 

Heheheh, so? Did you like this chapter? Do you like Jessie? Do you like her danger?

What's poor Liam going to do?!?

Arghhhh :D

Ahahah, it's funny coz only I know! Don't worry, he's safe with me... maybe.

Comment, Vote and Folloowww!

I love you.

~Jordan x

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