Chapter 32 - Take the wheel

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Reese stares at the stage, her face innocent and naïve as her eyes twinkle with the reflection of the lights. The edges of her mouth bending upwards as her laugh echoes beautifully through her soft lips. Harry keeps elbowing me because I'm not paying attention to anything around me. All I focus on is her.

The shape of her face and the way her jawline glistens under the millions of lights. The way her eyebrows shape when she laughs, or frowns or even when they crease together because she's momentarily confused. The colour of her eyes and the way her eyelashes flutter together everytime she blinks. How she holds her hands on her lap and is constantly fiddling with her fingers. Twirling, scratching and bending them subconsciously as she listens to the singer on stage.

She's beautiful.

I can't believe it's been almost three months since we last saw each other. There's so much I want to say... So much I want to do.

As the host signs off and the audience claps and the lights begin to fade our table is immediately surrounded by the crew. As we stand up, one of the security guards taps me on the shoulder and leans into my ear because of the commotion going on around us.

"Is she joining you? I haven't met her before." He asks me, pointing at Reese who sends a raised eyebrow in our direction as Lou greets her with a large hug. I smile as I watch her grin at our make up artist, her face lighting up as I just about hear the mention of Lux.

I'm smacked on the back all of a sudden and I jolt forward; surprised. I turn to the security guard and realise he is one of the new ones. Mike, I think his name is. "Yes, she is joining us." I nod. Then it dawns on me.. "At least I think she is. Sorry, Mike. Let me go talk to her. I'll get back to you on that one."

Mike nods and joins Andrew (another of our bodyguard crew). I walk up to Reese. She looks up at me with a small smile on her mouth. "Hell-" Before I can even finish she's wrapped her arms around my neck and has pulled me into her. It takes me a while to register what has happened but when I do I snake my arms around her waist and squeeze - not too hard, because I am still very aware of the scar on her belly. I place my palms on the small of her back and rest my lips on her shoulder, the smell of her clothing causing all the hairs on my neck to stand on end.

We eventually pull apart and that's when I realise that the boys and girls are all staring at us with huge grins on their faces. Harry is the first to approach us. He sends me a knowing wink before almost rugby tackling Reese into one of his signature hugs. "Ugh I missed you, Ree!" He smiles as she laughs over his shoulder. "Back at ya, Styles." Reese pats Harry's back before they unlatch from eachothers embrace. After that, the rest of the boys say a little welcome to her individually.


"Niaaall..." Katie whines as we enter through the back of the hotel we're staying in. It's an achievement that we're all still on our feet considering the red carpet thing ended late and for some reason there was a hell of a lot of traffic, so it is now 3.35am.

"Mm." Niall barely hums, squinting at the bright hotel lobby lights.

"My feet hurt." She grumbles, forcing Niall to stop so she can use him to balance her as she rips off her high heels. Sighing at the relief as her sore feet come in contact with the cool tiled floor. Reese giggles at her friend, catching me staring down at her with a stupid smile in my face. She blushes, looking down and biting her lip.

She has no idea what she's doing to me. My sexual frustration levels must be sky high by now, and she's making them worse.

"Alright, everyone to your rooms. Reese, you're going to have to share with Lou and Lux tonight. Is that okay?"

I frown at the new information, my brain working over drive to try and process it. Why isn't she in my room? I know I share with Harry, but there's room in my double bed for two! That's why it's called a double!

I look down at Reese and realise she's staring at me. "Are you okay with that?" She asks. I see the fatigue in her eyes and decide to remain silent about my needs. She's had a long day and needs her sleep.

I manage a smile, "Sure. If you're comfortable with that."

Obvious disappointment crosses her face as I talk. Making me realise that she may want to be with me just as much as I want to be with her.

"Yeah, that sounds great." She nods, walking over to a knackered looking Lou holding a sound asleep Lux in her arms.

"Come on then everyone. We're all on the same floor. " Perrie states whilst dragging Zayn to one of the lifts. Those two, Eleanor, Louis and Niall and Katie all pile into one lift whilst Harry, me, Reese, Lux and Lou get into another. The ride up is pretty much silent until the doors open. Harry mutters a good night to us and grunts as his key card doesn't work until the fifth time. By then he practically falls into our room. I say good night too and hover whilst watching Reese open the door for Lou. She about to shut it when I call her name.

"Yeh?" She mumbles, barely able to keep her eyes open. I jog up to her, not stopping until our bodies are only inches apart. "How long are you staying?" I whisper as my eyes roam around her face, still breathing in every feature of it.

Her eyebrows crease together as she begins to think, "Urm, as long as you want me to I guess." She shrugs, "I don't really have anything to go back to..." She trails off, her voice turning into a whisper. "I don't want to go back."

Her right hand reaches across her body and holds onto her left elbow as she stares at ground. I feel my heart beat escalating as ideas for what I should say next scatter around my head. Before I can even take the consequences into account over my actions... I'm already kissing her.

The kiss is only small, but it means more than a peck. In fact my entire body felt like it was 50% lighter than it did before. The taste of her lips, the warmth her cheeks brought to my face, the smell of her skin roaming around my senses. She was slowly taking over me. And I liked it.

"I-I... I-W-we... We need our s-sl-sleep, Liam." She stutters, gently licking her bottom lip like she was trying to taste me still.

"Yeah." I whisper, trying to fight off the desire to pin her up against the wall and kiss her until our lips grew sore. Maybe not even then.

We stand there for a little longer, her hot breath washing over me like a tidal wave.

The hairs on the back of my neck are still standing on end.

"Good night, Liam." She whispers, looking up at me once more before disappearing into her room.

Fuck, this girl has the ability to control my emotions and mood completely. Maybe even more so than I do.

That's not normal, is it?


Whoo! New update!

Okay guys, it's late here so I'm really sorry if this is a load of crap but I really wanted to get it done before I go on holiday because there is a chance that I wont have wifi... I'll try and remember to check it over tomorrow, but its unlikely I will.

Anyway, have a nice day/night!

~Jordan x

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