Chapter 12 - It's on like Donkey Kong.

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It's not that bad, I'm just aware how young some of you might be.

Carry on :)


Mark's P.O.V

I have no idea what I'm doing, I only came here to see if Reese was okay and then was planning to leave. 

Well, that didn't happen.

She said she loves me.

Seeing her brought back so many feelings, and now I'm out looking for her boyfriend.

I know that kiss wasn't photoshopped, it was on one of the One Direction's Twitter accounts! Just, seeing her so fragile in hospital I pretended to believe her. It's just harsh otherwise.

Once I stepped out of the hospital I rang one of the girls.

"Hello? Who's this?"


"Mark who?"

"Reese's ex boyfriend... Mark."

"What?! How did you get my number?!"

Suddenly the phone ruffled and another girly voice had taken over.

"Sorry, Mark. That was Perrie, she didn't know you were here. What's up?"

"Reese sent me out to help you find that dude."



"Oh, well... we're on our way to the hotel to check there. Do you wanna check the streets closest to you? He's only just run off, he can't of gotten that far..." She trailed off, unsure of herself.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll text you if I find him." I responded, nonchalantly.

We both hung up and I sighed before taking to the street next to me.

Liam's P.O.V

I'm so pathetic. It's little girls who run when they've overheard something they don't want to hear, not grown men.

I'm sat in a run down chairty shop, staring at my reflection in one of the small, second hand mirrors.

She loves him, I knew I never stood a chance. 

I saw Mark through the shop window, he was walking down the street. A smug smile on his face, jealousy boiled up inside me. 

Before I could even begin to understand what I was doing, I was already in front of the dark haired boy.

"Liam." He stated, staring me straight in the eye.


His face turned into one of mockery, "Well done! You know my name!" 

I scowled at him, "What are you doing here."

"Looking for you, twat."

I hadn't even offended him and he was being horrid. Reese definitely deserves better.

"Why're you looking for me?"

"Ri told me to."

"Ri?" I asked, showing my obvious jealousy.

His grin grew, "Yes, Ri. That's my loving nickname for her."

"Loving. You're not loving. She could do so much better than you."

He laughed, horribly.

"With who? You?"

I stayed silent.

"Mate, you're away what.. 10 months out of the year? Are you sure that you would be better for her? You'd send her a few texts, skype her every month or so, call her when you felt lonely and that would be it. You'd be off seeing the world while she was stuck here waiting for you. Do you want that for her? Waiting for the rest of her life? As for me, I'd be here everyday. Holding her... f***ing her."

I tensed, what he said was true. I am away for that amout of time, but I'd fly her out every month and skype her every week and text her every second that I could. I've made mistakes before with girls, I'm not repeating them again, ever.

"Having sex? Is that all you care about?"

He rolled his eyes, "Oh come on, man. That's all we care about! Just as long as it's got tits and a vagina then we'd bang the daylights outta it!"

I cringed at his words, "You're disgusting."

"You're gay."

He snorted as I walked off down the road.

"I came to come and find you, but if I just tell Reese you couldn't care less about her then she's all mine! Let the f***ing commence!" He shouted, a granny across the road covered he granddaughters ears as I mouthed a sorry to them.

I slowly turned around, "You're not winning that easily, dickhead."

He laughed, "Do you ever swear? Shit head?"

"Only when it's necessary." I hissed, taking off towards the hospital.

On our way back he muttered insults from behind me, I swear I was making my blood boil.

Before I entered the hospital doors Mark stopped me.

"Do you accept the challenge?"

"What challenge?" I spat.

"The challenge of Reese. Whoever she falls for first, the other backs off."

I raised an eyebrow, "You serious?" I humoured him.


I hesitantly gave him my hand and we firmly shook. He nodded at me before heading into the hospital.

Oh it's on like Donkey Kong.


Do you like it? Took me a whilee... two days! I know it's short and pretty much a filler but there is now a challenge in the midst. Who will win the girl's heart?

Would love to hear what you think darlings :3

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~Jordan(: x

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