Chapter 10 - The word 'love'.

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Reese's P.O.V


I wasn't exactly sure on what I was going to tell him. The girls and I didn't discuss what I was going to say, just that I needed to tell him something. They hinted, without telling me what exactly they wanted me to do


"Liam should be here in a minute." said Perrie, winking at me.

"...Cool?" I asked, confused as to why she winked.

"Tell him." Eleanor whispered, already hearing his steps coming down the corridor.

"Tell him what?" I asked, utterly confused now.

"That you want to marry his pretty little arse." Perrie stated. I looked at her, disgust filling my face.

We all started to giggle, that's when Liam walked in.


Okay, so maybe it was pretty obvious in what they wanted me to do. It's just, I can't. I know this sounds pathetic, but I don't want him to reject me. I don't want to look weak in front of him.

You've already done that, idiot.

Yep, I was lying on the kitchen floor, weak and facing death. He saved me, the least I can do is thank him for it.

I looked into his deep, brown eyes. They looked tired and worn. What's really going on in his mind?

"Reese?" He asked.

"Hm?" I hummed, not taking my pupils off his.

"You wanted to tell me something?" 

Oh yeah!

"Um... thank you." I stuttered.

He looked utterly confused, "For what?"

"For saving me..."

"Oh it's fin-"

"-from myself." 


He was truly astonished.

"Fro-from yourself?" He asked, his eyebrows rising.


"Wha-what do you mean?"

I told him everything.

Except for the last bit, when I realised that I loved him...

He didn't say anything, his eyes were just filled with pure worry. He rested his hand on mine, and shuffled closer until he was sitting on my bed, looking down at me. His long fingers reached out and touched my hair, running his fingers over a lock of blonde hair. His fingers then slowly made their way up to my cheek, holding it softly. I was astonished, no boy had ever touched me so gently before. It was always rough and full of lust. That is all my relationships consisted of. 

The word 'love' meant lust and meaningless words to me. Not gentle and loving. The only man that has been close to the actual 'love' was Mark. I felt like he meant the compliments he gave me, like he did actually miss me when I wasn't with him. 

"Dont ever, ever do that again." He whispered, his eyes getting watery. "Don't ever, try tear away from this life. You have no idea how many people you'd be messing up." 

"...I thought you all hated me, Liam. I thought I was doing you a favour." I looked down, fiddling with my hands.

He chuckled. 

He actually chuckled.

"You're an idiot."

I looked up at him, a genuine smile on his face.

"You have no idea just how much I..."

I stopped listening, I was too busy staring at the figure standing by the door. His baggy jeans hanging over his long legs, tatty converse covering his big feet, a plain black v-kneck top hanging over his torso. 

I looked straight into his piercing blue eyes, normally they're filled with lust. This time they were filled with... worry.

"Hey, Reese." He nodded, his raspy voice causing my heart to flutter.

Seeing him now made me realise just how much I'd missed him.

Liam turned around and stood up straight away, his face losing all emotion.

"What are you doing here." This was more like a statement rather than a question.

He didn't answer.

"Answer me." I ordered.

A smirk appeared on his face, but it wasn't mockery. It was like, happiness.



Hehe. You all thought she's admit her feelings for Liam! I decided to put a twist on it :3 I didn't want the story to end that quickly!

Liam's chase would've been over and that's the whole base of the story! 

Did you like it? Tell me beautifuls. I love ya!

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~Jordan(: x

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