Chapter 39 - Rather a beautiful sight

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Reese's P.O.V

The birds were tweeting from outside the window, their individual songs dancing within each other, tickling my ears as I awoke into consciousness. The sunlight was forcing its way into the bedroom, warming the pale white sheets that encased me as I lay there, entangled within them. A wide, sleepy smile spread upon my lips as I opened my eyes and stretched my arms up above my head. I squeaked as I felt my limbs elongate before they dropped to my sides and bounced as they hit the mattress.

"Spring's here." I grinned.

I sighed as I sat up, a piece of my long blonde hair draped over my face. I took a deep breath in and blew at it, hoping it would jump out the way. The same grin appeared on my face as my hair moved out of my view. As my senses began to alter themselves back into reality, my ears picked up a faint sizzling sound that was coming from downstairs.

I leant back onto my hands, tilting my head all the way back so that the tips of my hair grazed against the tops of my hands. I shook my head faintly from side to side, amused by the feeling.

Suddenly there was a smell. The smell hit me so hard that the saliva in my mouth had started to sizzle itself.


I was up and out the bedroom door within a minute.

As my stomach and mouth were screaming; food. My brain began thinking about Katie and how she used to cook me Bacon at least once a month (usually when she had just finished her monthly... cycle). Then my brain jumped from Katie to Niall, then to Harry and Zayn and Louis... It was funny, I hadn't realised how much I missed their company before now.

One Direction were currently in the middle of their three day break, and all the other couples had gone off on their own little holidays. Louis had taken Eleanor back to Doncaster to spend some time with his parents, Zayn was flying to New York again to hang out with Perrie whilst she was working, Katie had pleaded for Niall to meet her family so they had flown back to London, and Harry and his new found interest in Jessie had been persuaded by her to have a Marvel marathon. Apparently that girl is really into that superhero-comic-book-the-big-bang-theory kinda stuff.

He really likes her.

As for Liam and I, we decided to rent out a small house on the border of some American state. The reason I have no idea is because it was all his idea, so when I say we I mean he.

I don't think we're too far out from Houston. Probably somewhere near New Orleans. Hmm...

As I got to the bottom of the stairs, I had no control over my body, the want in my stomach was pulling me towards the kitchen. I walked through the archway and saw a very lovely man, dressed in a very lovely pair of tracksuit joggers that only just covered his very lovely bottom.

It was a very lovely sight.

A giddy feeling rose within me as I strode over to him, placing my hands on his shoulder blades as I kissed his left shoulder ever so slightly. He moaned in a sleepy way and turned around. His beautiful brown eyes smiled down at me as his warm hands brought my body into his.

"Good morning, sleepy head." His morning voice was like melted chocolate, rich and deep with texture.

I kissed his lips, giggling as I pulled away. "Morning. " I replied, feeling incredibly girly at my smitten behaviour.

Eventually I let go of him, filling up a glass with water from the tap, and then walking back over to him and peering around his broad shoulders at the stove. "What made you make bacon?" I asked, marvelling at the way he just automatically knew which way the dial turned and at what number it had to be at. I was useless when it came to cooking. Especially when it came to gas stoves.

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