Chapter 1

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Aylin Hatun

The Kayis are my tribe. I want to help them and I should but my cover will be blown. If I show up, Noyan will expect me to kill them. I can't kill my family. I haven't killed in a decade. The last person who got a taste of my swords was a foolish Templar commander who 'tried' to seduce me (the keyword obviously being tried). My swords cut through him like butter. I've been thinking about going home to my tribe but since my father has passed on, I worry that they will show me hostility, especially Gundogdu. He doesn't even trust Ertugrul.

Noyan thinks he's so clever, but in reality he's an idiot. If Ögedei called me for an important duty it would take at least a week. I'm not going to Ögedei. I met a Shaykh called Ibn Al Arabi a few months back and I am going to find him. I heard he isn't staying far from the mongols camp or the Kayi tribe. I should reach him by nightfall inshallah as long as I don't stop on the way. I'll stay with him for 2 days and then return to Noyan on the third. I really need Shaykh's advice on what to do. I can't let Noyan kill my family but I can't blow my cover either.


Aylin walked to her horse still in her disguise, she couldn't risk someone finding her, especially with Tangut constantly patrolling around. She walked up to her horse before mounting it and speeding off. Like she thought, Aylin reached Ibn Al Arabi by nightfall. He was suspicious of her before she removed her mask.

Aylin Hatun

"Assalam Alaikum Shaykh I said bowing my head. "Wa Alaikum Assalam daughter" he replied by kissing my head. " So my dear girl, what brings you here? I can tell you are troubled" he asked, his expression morphing into a concerned one. "Well Shaykh, I wanted your advice on an issue I have" I answered and he nodded signalling for me to continue. "For the last decade I have been hidden among the Mongols as a spy to foil their plans in the name of justice. I have pretended to befriend them whilst really, I have been getting to know my enemy. My father Suleyman Shah of the Kayi tribe passed two years ago and nobody knows of my existence.

The fate of the Kayi tribe has been left to my younger brothers Gundogdu and Ertugrul. Whilst staying with the Mongols I have never hurt any of my brother or sisters during battles but now Noyan, the commander of Ogedai Khan, has declared an attack on my tribe. He will strike tomorrow. If I intervene, my cover will be blown and I won't be able to aid my tribe or family in the future. If I don't, my family and many from my tribe will die and this is where I am stuck my Shaykh" I concluded.

He frowned before replying "Allah is fair and the best of planners, surely he will guide you. You should send a pigeon to Ertugrul Bey. I have met your little brother and just like you, he fights for justice in the name of Allah. Give him as much information about the attack as possible that will not endanger you. And do this immediately child, if they are leaving before dawn there isn't much time." I nodded off and hurried to a pigeon cage. I attached the message to the pigeon and released it. I hope it reaches my little brother in time.....

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