Chapter 13

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The Mongols had been silent for a while now. Since their fight on the way to their new home, the Kayis hadn't heard anything of the Mongols. The Kayis had however settled into their new home with their brother tribe. Ertugrul wasn't worried about the Mongols' silence because he was sure his sister would give him or Turgut a sign so he hoped everything was well. Both tribes were grateful for a moment of peace. But the peace would soon come to an end...


I exited my tent and smiled. It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was shining and there was a cool breeze blowing through the air. The tribes' people were happily working and the children were enjoying the gorgeous weather. I walked through the tribe greeting people with a smile as I went. Today is going to be just perfect! As I turned past a tent to where our women prepare items for the bazaar, my eyes fell upon a rather nasty scene. Selçan and Aytoloun were fighting. I picked up the pace to get to them and saw Selçan slap Aytolun on the face.

I gasped a bit but that was so no one could hold against me the fact that I was trying very hard to suppress my laughter. In all honesty I have hated Aytolun and her niece Goncagul since we arrived. They seem quite suspicious too so seeing this sight before me will probably be the highlight of my day. I decided to move closer to hear what they were saying better when I noticed Gundogdu rushing to Selçan to stop their argument. Just as Aytolun raised her hand to my sister, Gundogdu grabbed it and begged her to leave Selçan. Using him as a distraction to my advantage, I rushed forward, grabbed Selçan and we hurried to my tent.

We sat down in my tent, relieved that Gundogdu or Aytolun hadn't followed us. After taking a few breaths, I said to her "Aytolun must have really overstepped her place since you slapped her that hard, it was incredible, truly a sight to see! And the shock on her face!" She laughed a little which made me laugh too and suddenly, we erupted into fits of laughter. As we continued to laugh uncontrollably, the fabric of my tent lifted and in walked...

A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger guys, but what's a good story without cliffhanger, huh? I love writing cliffhangers but I hate reading them in a story. Ironic, I know. Also I feel like my chapters are quite long, so I'll try and incorporate some shorter ones like this. 😘

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