Chapter 11

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A/N: she is keeping her mask off for this chapter


I woke up with the sun blinding my vision. After I prayed Fajr i wasn't really sleepy so I don't know how I fell asleep. Stretching, I got up and got ready for training. I don't like heavy breakfasts so I ate fruit and yogurt before touching up my makeup (this is the disguise makeup to make her look like a man. She doesn't wear makeup otherwise because she is naturally beautiful 😩) and then heading out to the training field.

As I exited my tent, I saw Noyan mounted on his horse prepared, to leave. He nodded to me and then rode off, a few soldiers trailing behind him. As I turned to survey the soldiers who were warming up, I saw Tangut and smirked at him. He pulled an annoyed face and so I signalled to Ulubilge who hit him over the head with his drum stick. He yelled in agony which turned heads in his direction and everyone burst out laughing. Some fell on the floor they laughed so hard and really, who wouldn't with the face he made. Tangut stood up and stomped off while I called the soldiers to attention.

 Tangut stood up and stomped off while I called the soldiers to attention

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Just as I finished training the soldiers, Tangut came walking out his tent. He had called down apparently and was heading my way. I quickly shushed the soldiers who were still around. "Ah, what is that!" I shouted when he was about a foot away. Everyone laughed. "Oh, it's just your face" I said and he scowled. Everyone laughed again. "Im joking, I'm joking! He almost smiled so I said "I'm also a pathological liar" and everyone practically exploded from laughing. "Do you want to hear a joke, Tangut?" I asked him he scowled and said "if I have to..." whilst glaring at me. So I smirked and said "I'm looking at one!" I laughed wiping some tears from my face, before looking around. The soldiers were struggling to breathe from laughing that hard. Even Ulubilge was laughing, and it is rare to get that man to even smile.

By now tangut's face was red from anger and... He was growling at me! Growling. He swiftly unsheathed his sword and placed it against my neck. "Not so funny now are you? Any last words before I take your head?" He asked, smiling now. I didn't say anything and just smiled as I saw Noyan sneaking up behind him and stabbing his back. He yelled in pain and I nodded to Noyan before dragging him to a post and tying him by his wrists and ankles. I hope Noyan let's me torture him I'm really in the mood for torturing now.

Noyan came to me once he was tied up and said "You may torture him as much as you want but don't kill him yet, he maybe of some use yet" before walking to his tent to rest. The sun was slowly slipping below the horizon and it made me happy because torture is more fun in the dark. You see, as the darkness begins blinds you, you randomly start hitting anywhere and so the victim will feel more pain. I saw a heavy log nearby and lifted it before carrying it back to the post. Now, let the fun begin...

A/N: yes, Aylin sounds a bit psycho but this is the closest chance she'll get at avenging her martyred brothers and sisters for now.

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