Chapter 3

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Aylin Hatun

I left my Shaykh and went to the outskirts of the Kayi tribe. I watched as the Alps rained arrows onto the enemy. About 30 Mongolian soldiers fell off their horses and died but they were quickly replaced by archers who returned the arrows onto the Alps. A lot of them missed but a few Alps got hit and fell off their horses. While the archers continued to battle, I saw a few soldiers heading towards the Kayi women. One woman was stood near me so I whispered "watch out!" Thankfully she heard me and looked in their direction before shooting arrows into their hearts and necks.

Wow she's brave. I've never seen another brave woman. I quickly grabbed her and pulled her into the trees. She was about to scream but I took off my mask. "Don't worry I'm not one of them, this is just a disguise. If u want to beat them you have to use fire on your arrows to burn them. It will kill many of their soldiers and they won't expect it. Oh, and if you or anyone else feels overwhelmed by the soldiers, shove a few into the trees and I'll finish them off." She nodded to me and ran back into the battle, shoving a few soldiers back to me as she ran. I sliced through them with ease and then lit my swords with fire as I waited for more Mongol scum.


A/N: for this story we're going to imagine Turgut and Aykiz are siblings not childhood sweethearts. :)


"Brother! Turgut Brother!" I spun my axe and I chopped off two heads as my sister came running towards me. She stabbed three filthy Mongol soldiers before she reached me. "Brother we should use fire to attack them. It will slow them down" she panted out. "Sister, that's a brilliant idea, I'll gather some archers and get them to light their arrows. You're a genius Aykiz!" I said before running to some archers.

I passed my Bey on the way who was fighting 6 at once. I ran up to him and took 3 of their lives. I then whispered in his ear Aykiz's idea and he smiled and agreed before turning to kill some more. As I started running again I saw SelçanvHatun shoving some of the enemy into the nearby trees. What? Why is she doing that? Never mind there's no time. I'll find out later inshallah. I finally reached the archers. There were 25 of them readying their arrows.


Aylin Hatun

I managed to set up some quick but dangerous traps while I waited for the women to give me some prey to hunt. Soon enough, a Kayi woman pushed 5 soldiers into the woods. Three fell into my traps while the other two,I snuck up on and silently killed. Carefully, I dragged their bodies and threw them in the nearby river. As soon as I walked back to re-light my swords 10 more were shoved through straight into my largest trap. Many died instantly but some of the stronger ones were lucky enough to get stabbed through the heart by my lit swords.


"Brothers! Wait!" They all turned to look at me confused. "Light the arrows with fire and then shoot them" they were still unsure but lit the arrows anyways before shooting at the enemy. The arrows halted the Mongol scum in their path, so we used it to our advantage. As they looked baffled at the fire, I sent some of our horsemen to throw oil on them. They only noticed when it fell on them and mashallah! What a glorious sight it was. Their horrified faces was the last thing I saw before our alps rained arrows lit with fire upon them. The fire spread so fast burning hundreds of them as it went.

Noyan turned and ran at the sight of the fire like the coward he is. Tangut and Ulubilge followed quickly after, but they weren't quick enough. Tangut's left arm got burned by the flames and Ulubilge's drum fell off his horse and got engulfed by flames. His eyes filled with anger and vengeance as he sped after his master like a loyal dog. Only 5 soldiers followed after. The rest died in the fire or were captured by the Kayis. The raging fire died out as it began to rain heavily. The only sound that could be heard above the rain were the Kayis shouting "ALLAH HU AKBAR". Aylin smiled from the woods and then left to set up camp for the night in hopes of getting some sleep before facing a furious Noyan tomorrow.

A/N: if it isn't clear, Aylin has two swords and can fight as good as Bamsi and Sençer with them.

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