Chapter 24

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Now that Ögedei Khan had announced that Aylin was his new head commander, she new Noyan would be angry and could take some ofhis anger out on her. The only thing she could do was pray that Ögedei sent her on a mission. Because if not, she wasn't sure she could keep in her patience and she could expose herself. She got into her bed but couldn't sleep, constantly worrying that Noyan might try to take her out in her sleep. Eventually, at around 4am, she fell into a dreamless sleep.


BANG! BANG! BANG! Aylin shot up put of bed with tired eyes as the banging of drums continued to ring throughout Ögedei's Camp. She armed herself with her swords and rushed outside. When she got out, the first thing she noticed was a fire blazing high into the air and continuing to build as it spread across the camp burning tents and their inhabitants as it went, the flames never falling. Mongolian soldiers were rushing around, some trying to save others and some trying to put out the fire and failing miserably.

She turned around and noticed Noyan's drummer Ulubilge laying decapitated on the floor. She smiled under her mask: she really hated that idiot. But what she couldn't figure out was how the camp got attacked. There was no one around as far as she could see. She pondered over how this happened, when she felt a presence behind her. Swiftly, she wipped out her swords and turned to face the person behind her. The person she saw, she didn't expect. It was her Shaykh. Ibn Al Arabi. Her eyes widened and she hurried over to an oak tree nearby, him following her.

When she was sure they were out of earshot, she looked at him for answers. "My sweet child. You have done your duty and helped your brothers fight in the way of Allah. Now you must remove your disguise and return home to watch over your tribe and your family" he told her calmly. "Are you sure, Shaykh? I feel like my Job is not complete" she replied. " My dear, Allah has given me a message in my dream that you are a strong warrior and that if you return now, you will be a great protector of Islam and you may also receive the chance of being a martyr" he said, relaying his dream to her.

"If that is the case my Shaykh, I will return, but what about the remaining enemies here?" She questioned. "Most of the enemies have perished in the fire, including their leader Ögedei and his family. The only ones you have to worry about from here are the degenerate Noyan and a small handful of soldiers who fled the camp after they saw what happened. Surely, you will get to defeat them too soon enough. Indeed Allah is the best of planners" he answered. " Alright my Shaykh, I will gather my things and set out to my home. Are you heading there too?" She asked him hopegully.

"Yes, my dear. Grab your things and then we shall head out together Inshallah." She nodded before hurrying to her tent, that surprisingly still stood, grabbed her belongings and horse and sped back over to Ibn Al Arabi. He jad mounted his horse and so did she and then they both headed to the Kayi Tribe as the sun began to rise in the sky.

Aylin HatunWhere stories live. Discover now