The date (edited)

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It's been few weeks since we had visited Vicky's doctor, his treatment is going good. And he is improving remarkably. He is being very co-operative too. Only time he complains is during physiotherapy.

When the trainers stretch his muscles. But he enjoys massages.

It's funny to see Vicky, torturing the poor therapist with his pranks all the time. Any one can see Vicky is behaving more mature.

Even our relationship is growing. We have started trusting and caring each other more every day. Even though he hasn't gained his memories.

I could fall for Vikram Verma easily. He is everything a girl needs. Sweet, caring, lovely, cute always remembering the every little things you do.

We had our moments too. Sometimes I feel his gaze on me. And he will be looking at me weirdly. If I ask what's the matter he just change the subject. I even noticed pinkish tint on his cheeks at many occasions.

We still sleep in the same bed. Now a days it's getting a bit ummm... uncomfortable. We sleep at different sides of bed but when we wake up, we always find  tangled.

Tomorrow is Valentine's day. Honestly I never celebrated it. I never found it to be special. But this time I wanted it to be special. With those thoughts I slept.

Next morning when I woke up, Vicky wasn't beside me which was really weird. Knowing that he isn't an early riser.

But whole room was decorated with orange roses. And there was one pretty orange rose on his pillow. With a note sticking.

I picked the rose and read the note,

Hey soppy,

Orange rose represents enthusiasm and expectations...
That's what we have with our relationship right now.

And I want you to start this day with enthusiasm.

Get ready , your breakfast awaits for you mam,



It was really sweet of him. After reading the note was excited to see what this day holds for us.

I got up, took the fastest shower and wore my favourite royal blue summer dress which reaches my knees. And went to dining hall in search of Vicky.

As soon as I opened the door, pink petals fell on me. They were so soft and there fragrance filled the whole hallway. And those petals were also on the floor. Till it reaches dining hall.

They felt so soft beneath my soles. And some what ticklish. When I opened the door of dining hall, table was full with varieties of food, surprisingly all my favorites.

And one single pink rose attached with a note was kept on my chair.

I couldn't contain my excitement so I picked the rose and read the note,

Dear soppy,

Hope you enjoy the breakfast.
Pink rose signifies appreciation. I appreciate all that which you have done for me.

The way you've taken care of me. The way you stood by me.
I appreciate all your help.

So this is my treat for you.
I have made all your favorites. Of course with the help of Mary,

Enjoy ..


I was speechless. I wanted to thank him for all these but he was no where to be seen. So I just enjoyed my breakfast. It was really delicious.

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