apology and promises (edited)

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Heya... how are you all??
Picture of Atul verma at side...
As I promised it will be of vicky's pov. I will try. But plz understand it's a difficult task...


(After sofie leaves the room, crying)

I hate everyone, everyone will leave me. I don't want any one. I want mummy, but mummy will never come. Mummy doesn't love me. No one loves me. I have no friends.. I am alone...

But you have soppy. She is your friend.

Yeah, but even she will leave me some day. I Think stubbornly.

But she always take care of us, she plays with us, She cleans us, She is cho pretty. She sings for us, Reads story. And she always listen to us.

Yes you are right. Soppy is our best friend. But who are you??

Idiot , I am your inner voice.

What is inner voice?

You dumb, it's me your brain .

But brains can't speak right??

Ugh!! Stupid, I am not speaking. I am your thinking.

That means you and me are same?

Yes we are......

Ummm.. But plz don't call me stupid and idiot. I am a big boy... and I can't be idiot.

Yeah?? That's why you hurt soppy, you said so many mean things to her. You made your best friend cry....!!!

Oh no... I am sorry. I should say sorry to soppy. She is my best friend. Chal, let's go....

(Chal, hindi word which means go)

While going I saw some red paint on floor, what is that??

It's not paint, it's blood. Soppy's blood.
You killed her!!!. You killed your best friend!!!. You killed my best friend.!!!

Oh no no no, please God no. I will be a good boy please let soppy live.. I want soppy. I started crying. I want soppy. I went to find her. She was no where. I want soppy.

I was screaming. I want soppy.. I killed her. I am sorry. Please come back.

That's when Mary came and hugged me. And asked me what's wrong.

I hurt soppy. I said mean things to her. I killed her.

Mary was stunned, then she said.

"You didn't killed her, she is alive"

"No!!! I saw her blood, I killed her.."

"No honey, listen to me, yes she is hurt and it's her blood. But you didn't kill her. Ok. She will come back to us, you see."

"Soppy not dead??"

"No.. She isn't..."

"I said mean things to her, I asked her to go away!! She will never come back. "

And I started crying again.. that's when I felt difficulty in breathing. I couldn't breathe. Mary was telling something. I couldn't hear her. I couldn't breathe. My chest hurt. Everything thing hurts. Pain increases. And then everything goes black.

When I woke up, doctor Khanna was sitting with me. He explained I had panic attack. And asked me to take rest. I couldn't speak. My throat hurts. But I needed soppy. I wanted to wait for her. But I couldn't . I mumbled soppy. Mary heard me and she promised me that she will wait for soppy. So then I fell asleep....

When I woke up. I was feeling better. Then I remembered soppy. I wanted to cry again. I saw some one at the other side of bed. It was soppy. She is so pretty. So I just hugged her tight. I never wanted to let her go. She is my best friend. I didn't realise I was crying and Soppy was consoling me..

"Hush! Vicky don't cry. I am here now.it's okay please don't cry."

"I hurt you. (Hiccup) I .(hic). thought. .(hic). killed .(hic). you. I .(hic.hic). sorry.. plz plz.(hic). don't leave. .(hic)....."

"Hey, it's ok. Look at me, I am fine. I am not dead. I here. I am not going anywhere."



Then she smiled...

"You are pretty..."

She was shocked. Then she smiled and said "you are pretty too..."

I blushed at that.

I saw some blood on her face. She had a boo_boo. Mary came and cleaned her boo_boo.

We both were smiling. Then I got an idea.... .

_rebel ridz.

It was the most difficult chapter. Hope you all like it...

What will his idea?? Any guess?+
Plz comment and vote.
And plz plz plz let me kno howz it....

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