Flashbacks (editing)

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I don't know where I am. All i could see is darkness. And there is this annoying pain in my head. Which is killing me. I just want this pain to end.

I feel like somebody has cut open my head and now piercing thousands of needles.

Worse is I  cant even feel the other parts of my body. It is too much to bear.

I wanted to sleep. I wanted to get away from this pain. I just wanted to give up.

I could feel slowly the darkness is winning. Slowly i'm loosing myself. And i'm happy for that.

And then i heard an angel, speaking to me. She sounded so broken i wanted to ask her what's wrong.

Wanted to take her pain away. And wanted to shield her against every negatives of this world. I just wanted to hold her forever and never let her go.

Her voice was so sweet, so melodious, i wanted to keep hearing till my last breath.

But she was in distress, she was hurt, and she was telling something , I couldn't hear properly.

But all i heard is, Vicky you have to come back...... have to live..... for us.... cant leave me.... please come back......

Those words were like commands. And my body obeyed to them as if its a compulsion. I knew now I cant give up. I had to live for this broken angel.

I don't know what connection I share with this beautiful angle but i have to live for her.

But I had no energy, I was slipping away, I had nothing to hold there, then i felt some thing soft and sweet on my lips, they tasted like nectar, not that i knew what nectar tastes like, but if you ask me this must be it.

It was so sweet and warm at the same time. I felt like its returning me my energy. Its like as if i'm sucking some ones life.

Soon it was gone, I wanted to protest, I wanted to taste that sweet again but it never came. Its as if have I imagined.

But then again I  know my imagination isn't that good. I vowed to myself i will taste that nectar again. If its the last thing i had to do.

I started feeling empty, I knew my angel is walking away from me. And I had to try for her. I had to live for her. For us.

I don't know how long its been, again I'm in darkness. I couldn't help myself from thinking about the angel. Its as if I know her. As if she's a part of mine. But then again i don't know from where, I dont remember.

Suddenly I had a flashbacks, I could see myself driving a car,  wearing a shervani. I was angry, no no I was furious, I was mad, I wanted to do something reckless, I knew its wrong driving without seatbelt and crossing the speed limits. I even had some alcohol

But I couldn't reason myself, and then a truck came out of no where. Next thing I saw I was in hospital, connected to many machines, but here i'm not inside my body,

I'm like a third person watching a movie where everything was moving forward. I saw how my mom cried in front of me. I never knew that my parents cared but after looking them like this i knew they loved me.

Maggie and Atul were worse, i wanted to tell them I'm alright, but I couldn't. Maggie was blaming something on my mother. And my mother looked so guilty.

Then the next scene I saw was i'm playing with Rahul, but there was something wrong with me. I wasn't acting my normal self, more like I was behaving like a child. Nooooooooooooo.... this cant be happening with me.

I couldn't bear it. I just wanted this nightmare to end. I don't know how long i was living this childish life. I saw how other children treated me. I wanted to beat the shit out of them. I wanted to console my childish self.

Again it was darkness, which I felt moments ago.

The next scene was that of my marriage. Wait what!!?? My marriage with whom and how?? Am I married now??

Then i saw a beautiful girl dressed in bridal dress and sat next to my childish self. She was so gorgeous, i have never seen someone so beautiful in my life. I wanted to touch and see if she's real. When I looked closely all I saw sadness, heart wrenching sadness in her beautiful brown eyes.

And my old self was unaware of what's going on there, he was planning to play next video game. This was so wrong, so bloody wrong, the girl doesn't deserve this. No I don't deserve this angel.

Next scene was that where  my old self was sitting near window, my angel came inside tried to talk with him, but he scolded her. I could see the hurt there. I wanted to reach and beat my old self and console my angel. But I was helpless, it broke me when he pushed her and she fell .

The next scene was when ,I  was apologizing her, she forgave him. And they became friends. Vicky, my old self started trusting her and told her everything things about our lives. I thought she will hate Vicky. But she did something which surprised both of us. She hugged us.

I smiled when I saw how Vicky got possessive when Rahul called her soppy, only we can do that. I was proud of Vicky.

I saw the picnic and the games we played. I'm glad he showed the lake and our secret place to her.

I saw how Vicky kissed her cheek and the way she blushed. I was jealous. I wanted to beat my old self. How could he.. Wait a minute am I insane?  that I'm jealous of myself.

God!! This is so messed up. Then I saw how good of a friend she was to me. How she cuddled with me in her sleep. I wanted to cuddle back, and kiss her senseless, but my old self was too immature to have those thoughts,

I could feel how I was getting better. And every moment my angel , my soppy was there with me.

Then how she took me to doctor appointments and her support during physiotherapy.

I died and went to heaven the time she kissed my cheek. She truly is my best friend

I cant wait to spoil her. And she is my angel.....

_rebel ridz

Herez the update.
Hope you had fun reading this.
Lemme know what you think of our Vicky.
It's clear that he has recovered .
And normal now.
Let me know what you expect from new Vicky ;)

My lovely watty friends
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Love ya'll

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