friendship (edited)

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Picture of sofie and vicky at side... ;) I just love vicky

Hello everyone, here is d New chapter.. enjoying.. n plz share ma story wid ua frenz tooooo...


I was feeling guilty and curious. But at the end my curiosity won. I did something which I never thought of doing. I Googled him and his ex Melanie.

I really wanted to see how she looks, what was she like, but more importantly I wanted to know everything about vicky.

A lot was mentioned about Verma industries, business, their investments and new projects. I just went to images directly.

There he was, with all his glory like a Greek god, I wasn't prepared for this reaction.
my heart started beating like humming bird, images after images in his business suit, in casuals, in t_shirts, with smirk, sometimes with panty dropping smile, and sometimes indifferent.

Each and every image had its own effect on me, to put it in simple words he was beyond gorgeous, he was a sexy hunk. And as hot as a volcano.

His boyish charm and playful blue eyes did a number on me. I wasn't not sure why am i fantasizing about him. But before I could wonder on that fact I noticed something.

Almost all his pictures there was this gorgeous woman next to him. Pictures of them laughing, dancing, walking on red carpet. I felt envious of that beautiful women, for they looked almost perfect.

Vicky had full blown smile whenever she was with him, other wise his expression was either blank or that of indifference.

Life is so unfair, I couldn't handle seeing him so normal, so natural and full of life. It was just too much for me. so I closed the laptop, and started thinking.

I was pacing in the study room, Mary called me for dinner.

When I reached dining table Vicky was already seated. He gave me a small innocent smile. I felt even more sorry for him. I just smiled back but with a real smile this time.

I took the seat next to Vicky. Mary was an amazing cook, we were eating rice,

when vicky was eating rice some of the rice fell on his shirt and he was glaring adorably at the spot, I couldn't stop the giggle which escaped from me, vicky turned towards me and started glaring at me.

So I stopped my giggles and helped him cleaning his mess. His eyes softened. I smiled a little in reply.

After that most of the dinner was uneventful. Vicky left the dining room as soon as he finished. He was running in hallways, Mary was scolding him, but you can see the adoration she had for him.

He was like an ADHD child, with an adult body, many a times I could see the maturity in him, but most of the time that is hidden by his behaviour. I wanted to know more about him. But a part of me didn't want to get involve with his shit.

I helped Mary with cleaning the dishes much to her dismay.

Then I asked her something, which I should have asked at morning itself.

"Mary , where is my room?"

"Oh sofie!! We have orders from Mrs. Verma you are to share a room with vicky. I am sorry dear I can't go against her. Mrs. Rohini verma is very strict about her orders."

I didn't know what to think of this arrangement. So I just nodded and went upstairs. I knocked on vicky's door or should I say our bedroom door. Vicky asked me to come in.

Room was very tidy. The atmosphere was tensed and he was very quiet, which was so unlike him and He was looking towards window and frowning. So I went near him, sat on the opposite side of vicky and asked ,

"Hey, what's wrong??"

"Am I a freak??"

I was surprised to hear this.

"Vicky, what happened,? Did any one say anything??"

" Those guys in the park won't let me play with them, they always call me names, and makes fun of me, I thought they were my friends but they are so mean. Today they said I can't play the cricket with them any more and I was waste of time."

He started crying. I was helpless , I have no experience of handling children or in this case over grown sexy children. Oops. That sexy part is just slip of tongue please don't mind.

So I did what I have seen others doing, I went near him and hugged him. He was shocked at first. Guess he is not use to hugs. Poor vicky. Then he hugged me back. After what felt like hours he stopped crying.

"Vicky, you are not freak, you are ill. You will be alright one day, Mark my words now don't cry. Crying is for small children. You are a big boy. By the way You are not alone. You have a friend now."

"Really?? Who??"


_rebel ridz

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Love Ya all...

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