Meeting Rahul and Maggie (edited)

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Dedicating this chapter to laya krishna. Ma bff

Sorry for such a long wait. Herez d New chapter, enjoy. ;)


Next morning I woke up early, it was  6. Vicky was still sleeping at his side of the bed, peacefully. He looked really cute. Not that puppy kind of cute. He is cute, cute kind of cute. He was looking so peaceful, there was a slight drool on his cheek. I just chuckled at his sleeping form.

After doing my morning business, I went directly to the kitchen, Mary was making breakfast,

"Good morning, Mary!!"

"Good morning to you too honey, what's the matter you sound way too cheerful"

She asked with a suggestive look.

I just shrugged and asked her what was she making for breakfast.

She said pancakes, syrup, omelets and orange juice.

I offered my help, this time she didn't argue with me. We started with pancakes first then syrup. We as in it was Mary who was doing most of the work. I was peeling oranges to make juice, Mary informed me, Rahul and Maggie will be visiting shortly after breakfast.

They are not joining us, as Rahul has a meeting. At 11. It seems.

I honestly didn't know what to think of this visit. And meeting them. We have been married for two months now, and I have met only Atul. Again Atul is a sweetheart. It wasn't that hard to like him.

But honestly I have no idea what to expect from Rahul and Maggie.

To say I am anxious would be an understatement.

I was busy in my own la-la world, I saw someone was waving their hand in front of me. It was vicky. He greeted me, and we started devouring our breakfast.

"Soppy, I am so happy, today is the day Rahul and Maggie are visiting us. Trust me you are gonna love them."

Well at least someone is excited about this meeting.

"Ummmm... let's see"

That's all I replied. Then Vicky went to get his new games and what not which he wanted to play with Rahul.

After cleaning the dishes, I was busy studying, when I heard door bell...

Oh God!! They are here.

I went with Vicky and Mary, opened the door. And what I saw their left me stunned behind. There was this guy, who looks like a super model with this gorgeous brunette with him. They both were utter gorgeous.

Why these rich people always blessed with money, looks and intelligence?? This is so not fair. I was having an internal debet with my mind.

When I snapped out of it. I saw Mary, was hugging that guy who I think is Rahul tightly. And Vicky was hugging his sister. There's no much similarities between them.

No buddy was paying me attention, but from the corner of my eye I could see Rahul is amused by something. Ummm. That's strange now.

"Soppy, meet this is my sister Maggie and my besht friend Rahul... and guys this is my newest best friend soppy"

Maggie gave a small wave and said hi, I reached forward for a quick hug and introduced myself. For that she gave me a big smile and said welcome to the family.

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