hope (edited)

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Hello guyz. Thanks a lott for reading ma story. Plz.forgive me for not replying to ua msgs. And reading ua stories. I have got examz. But I promise as soon as I finish ma.exam will read ua stories. Thanks again....

(When she wakes up)

I woke up to a feeling as if I have been crushed. I couldn't breathe. Some one was holding me so tight that it started hurting. I couldn't free myself from that person. I was about to push that person away. But suddenly that some one started crying on me. Full on sobbing and I a realized that some one is vicky.

I was consoling him, asking him not to cry. He was saying how sorry he was for his yesterday's behaviour and how he thought I died. I reassured him that I am alive and I am not leaving him..

He made me promise,  that I should never leave him. I don't know what will happen once he become normal. Whether he will remember me or not? Will he ever love me? Wil I ever take millie's place in his heart. Will I get a happy married life?? Or my decieved marriage will end before it starts??

I could feel the headache, with all this possibilities. So I  pushed the  thought away. We will  cross that bridge when we get there. For now I just want to enjoy this. I want to be some one whom he can rely on. I don't know what tomorrow brings. But for now I am happy. He cares for me. I really hope. We atleast remain as Friends.

He has become an integral part of my life. I can't part away from him completely.

Speaking of friends I should call my friends and inform them about the situation. Before they come here and demand for the answers.

You see I haven't been in contact with them from past month. They might be thinking I am enjoying my honeymoon.. they can be intense sometimes. God I miss them so much.

I was in my own la la land, vicky suddenly said .

" you are pretty....."

I had no idea what to say for that. I can feel butterflies in my stomach and blush started appearing. So I controlled my self and replied truthfully..

"You are pretty too"

And he started blushing. I couldn't stop the smile that was spreading on my face.

When I smiled my chin hurts, and I winced. Even vicky was concerned, I remembered about yesterday's injury. I was thinking of getting up. Some one knocked on the door.

Vicky got up to open the door. Mary came inside. She saw us and smiled. Then with a motherly smile  she scolded me and bandaged my wound.

While she was cleaning with savlon, my chin stung, vicky came forward and blew some air on my chin. He has no idea what that innocent act was doing to me. He was the first male  who's been so close to me. As much as I stop myself from feeling things I can't.. who can resist him. Even with illness he is so cute.

When Mary, finished bandaging, she asked as to join for breakfast. With the name of food my stomach started grumbling loudly making Mary smile and vicky laughed  loudly.

Vicky was teasing me, and I started chasing him.. soon we started playing the chase game.  That moment when  vicky's stomach started grumbling, I  laughed. He started glaring at me. But you can't miss that tiny smile playing at the corner of his mouth.and the little blush across his cheeks.

Then we both went to dining room , we were eating breakfast. I  Could see Vicky still feeling effects of yesterday's dose which he received after his panic attack. He couldn't able to hold the fork so I started feeding him. He gave me a sweet smile and then I smiled back  at him..

After we finished breakfast, we were lazing around in living room and watching tom and jerry( don't judge me I still do that. I love them way too much)

Vicky said he has something planned for me as a sorry, I should be ready by 4. Then he went to see Mary. When I asked him what it is. He said it's a surprise.

Since I had nothing to do till 4. I was browsing. I remembered I always wanted to do the MBA . Since its not possible now why not do some thing productive with life. Next best thing I was good at computers,

so thought of taking some online programming classes. I opted for java and orion. I filled the applications and submitted them. Had some money in my savings paid with them. I was to start my classes from tomorrow. I was happy. Finally I can do something which I like.

By the time I logged out it was already 3:00 pm. I got up, vicky wasn't in room, took bath and wore some jeans and light blue top, which reads 'i'm that awesome' applied some light make up. Dried my hair . Put them in ponytail. And got down.

Vicky was already waiting for me. With a basket of food. Even he was wearing jeans and blue t shirt but his blue was a  little darker. He smiled so big and said,


... and he pinched me,  that hurts. I just rubbed it off. And asked him...

"Where are we going smarty??"

"See even you call me smarty, but my brain thinks I am an idiot and stupid"

I gave him a confused look. He just shrugged . At this moment he looked so normal. Had to stop the gasp which was about to escape

" soppy, we are going to picnic........"

I was excited. After all I guess there is some hope for us. At least as friends???

_rebel ridz.

Hello my favorite ppl, hope you enjoyed this. Plz vote and comment. And plz tell me what you think of this chapter. Next chapter is picnic... enjoy and love y'all

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