pt 2 (editing)

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Picture of millie at side.


I was getting tired of this damn darkness. All I want is to get up and make everything right.

But my body wasn't responding. It was like I was watching a movie. Every scene, memory of my life was repeating .

I saw how happy I was when I was young, I had a normal life. We weren't rich. But we had a comfortable life.

It all changed when dad started his new business. When mom started working with dad. When they both started putting their business before family.

It was like I didn't existed anymore. All they could talk was about business. I hated that. I had to depend on mary for everything.

Things got worse after Atul's birth. They thought I will be good when left alone with Mary,  and they started doing business trips.

They took Atul and then Maggie with them. Because they were young. What about me?

My life wasn't all unicorns and rainbows. I was bullied at school because my parents never attended any parents teacher meetings, sports day or annual days.

I always did my best, so that my parents would notice me. I was always good at studies, loved sports, more reason to get bullied. It was Rahul who stood by me.

When I reached puberty, which did good to me. All my work outs rewarded me with a killing body, after all I had good genes, my smartness and sports were a plus point.

During high school I was the jock or you can call the bad boy. I played with girls, did all sort of illegals. It was my way to seek my parents attention.

When this didn't work, I gave up, I lost all the hope. I started hating my parents. I became bitter. I didn't believe in love and relationships.

It was all about fuck never love. Girls always came to me easily, so I took the advantage. They all knew I never do relationships, they were okay with that.

But there were few, who thought they could change me, like common?? Its life not some cliche movie.

I was happy with my life. But it all changed when, I started my work with Rahul, I had moved out of my parents house. I was earning enough. My business was going quite well. That's when I met her, in my college, working at the cafeteria.

Her beauty took my breath away. Every guy wanted her. It was her innocence, which crumbled all the walls I had created around my heart.

Her smile made my day, instead of falling for my charms she ignored me. But I was stubborn. I persuade her to date me.

After 10 weeks of convince, finally she agreed for the date. I was very happy. We had a great time. But her part time jobs became problematic. She had to earn for her studies and food, I offered her the post of my secretary. She agreed. I was glad she did it. I liked paying for her college, clothes, food and room rent.

Her name was Melanie , but I always called her millie. She was my world. She taught me love. She was the only girl who had her way for my heart.

I knew she was special. She was too good. But she could never defend for herself. That's okay I was always there for her.

After graduating from college I proposed her on our second anniversary. I knew she was the one for me.

My mom, never liked her. I don't know why. But maggie and Atul treated her as there own sister. I was happy for that.

We were suppose to marry, i don't know what happened. I found a letter in my room stating

Dear vicko,

I'm sorry , i can't do this. I have to go. Have a beautiful life. It was never my intention to hurt you. I love you. Please take care of yourself. Its not like I don't want to marry you, its just that I cant.

I'm sorry . I love you so much. I love you.



After reading that letter rage filled in me. I was so angry. I wanted to know the reason. I wanted to find her. I had to find her.

So I left. I searched for her everywhere. But I couldn't find her, asked all of her friends. It was like she disappeared from the face of earth. I needed her.

It was then I had that accident. I still remember the horror when that truck collided with my car.

That was what happened with me.

I have to find her. She's my air, my love my every reason for the happiness.

I love her......

_rebel ridz.

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