visiting friends pt 2 (edited)

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Here is the new chapter, hope u like it.
Picture of Maggie at side
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I told them every thing.. from the beginning. About my first day at vicky's house, about mary, about his illness, the way he treated me, about his mood swings, panic attack, our friendship, picnic everything. And they were patiently listening to me.

It felt good to talk, I felt as if a huge burden has been lifted. We have been friends from past 7 yrs. We have always shared anything and everything. I met hady and laya at college.. and marzi we met at coaching class. She was so persistent to be my friend I couldn't say no to her. Since then we have been best friends forever!!

I was waiting for them to process everything and then to speak their minds. They took their time. Next thing I know three bodies were crushing my air supply. They were hugging me so tight I felt difficult to breathe.

When I looked up, what I saw made me smile... there was no pity in their eyes. I could see hint of pride and sadness in them.

L_"wow!!! I don't know what to say!!

M_"what are you gonna do now??"

H_"why, didn't you call us??"

"Sorry guys, I didn't know what to do, I was  so lonely, and hurt. I was confused. I had to take a decision. And I was busy taking care of vicky"

I am sure they could see the smile on my face when I was talking about vicky.

M_"awwwwww.... is some buddy crushing on their husband??"

That made me blush. This girl na. Ugh!! I so wanted to deny. But then I know these devils won't take that easily. And make my life miserable. Till I accept whatever they say. So I just gave her a look that said_ 'shut the heck up. If you value your life'

And first time in her life she did shut up. I tell you she is such a chatter box.

Then we heard a loud grumble from hady's stomach.  We Laughed and decided to eat something.

We went k.f.c ordered , took a table at the corner . Sat down . Started eating.

And let the gossip begin!!!

Me_"hey where is farhad?? It's been so long. He didn't even attend the wedding"

M_"actually farhad and farazh are getting married!!"

You see farhad is my gay best friend and farazh is marzi's gay best friend.. They always had this on and off thing. Finally they are getting married. They are just so cute together and I am so very happy for them....

Me_"wow!! Really?? When is their wedding? We should totally have a get together"

H_"yup and I will invite chethan too. He is so excited to meet you guyz"

Chethan is hady's boyfriend of 9yrs. They are just perfect ...

L_"I guess it's my duty to invest dhanesh and fazal??

We gave her knowing looks. And she just blushed. It's so easy to make her blush. She will turn red. Dhanesh is her official boyfriend. And fazal has this huge thing for her. Bechari laya, always stuck between possessive boyfriend and best friend...

We were chatting happily,and again marzi had to butt in...

M_" so Mrs.verma, why don't you bring your husband with you??  We can finally meet him.(with a smirk on her face)

I just glared at her. If only looks could kill. She would have died thousands of death by now...

"I don't think that's a good idea. I don't know how vicky will react with others. I need time. But you guys can come to my home. Can meet vicky and mary. Then we can go to that get together"

H_"I think that's a good idea. Will decide  a date and text you."


L_"soph!! What did Vicky's doctor said?? Will he recover??"

Me_"I don't know laya. I should ask someone from his family about that. His parents don't even visit him. I feel so bad for him. Now you have suggested I will ask mary about that. Thank you. Hope he will get well soon"

H_"what will happen once he get well??"

That's when my mood took 180.

They might have noticed that,

M_"hey don't worry, will cross that bridge when it comes, ryt now take care of yourself and vicky. Enjoy every moment.okay"


I said with a small smile.

It was getting late, we bid goodbye and parted.

I reached home by 8:00pm. Vicky was already at dining table and by the looks of it he was waiting for me. As soon as I entered he gave me a big smile and asked,

"Soppy, where did you go??"

"I went to see my friends. How was your day? Did you had fun?"

"Oh yes!! We went to see cricket with Atul, rahul and rakesh,. We had so much fun. We ate lots of food, ice creams .. And I missed you soppy"

"Awww... I missed you too vicky. "

"Oh soppy, rahul promised me that he will come tomorrow and he wants to meet you..."


I replied a bit unsure..

Went to our room. Changed. Came back , had dinner, vicky took his medicine, bid us goodbye. I stayed behind. Helped mary with dishes. And asked her about vicky's treatment and development..

" I don't know sofie, its always either mrs.verma or rahul take him to doctor. You should ask them."

"Okay, will ask rahul tomorrow. Good night mary".

I Went upstairs. Vicky was already asleep. Even I was tired. Sleep consumed me. Last thing I remember was Vicky's smile.....

_rebel ridz

Hello guyz. I am not gonna update for a while now. I have exams so sorry. But I will do as soon as I am free.
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