waking up (edited)

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Hello every one, this is the chapter i have been waiting to update, .

Sorry i couldn't reply any of ua comments , i was busy and every comment was same.

So here i'm answering ua question.

He remembers sofie, but he thinks her as a best friend. Millie was his lover.

He needs time to sort his feelings. He don't even know what exactly happened to millie.

So plz have some patience.

I have decided to complete the story asap.


It's been two weeks. Vicky was still in coma. Doctor said all his vitals are normal, he might get up at anytime. So here we are waiting for him to get up.

I couldn't leave his side even for a second. I have stayed with him all the time. Maggie, Rahul and Atul tried to convince me, but i didn't leave his side.

Every ones been visiting him and keeping me entertained. But Vicky is still the same.

It was 6:00 in the evening, when we all were sitting in his room and watching cricket. ,Rahul was telling me how Vicky always preferred Virat over Dhoni, but i always loved Dhoni. Like common he was the best captain we ever had.

So when i was telling every one about Mahendra singh dhoni's accomplishment we heard some one saying,

"You wait and watch soppy, what my virat will do now. Infact dhoni might learn a thing or two from my boy."

Sound was very deep, husky and very masculine. I have never heard such a beautiful voice ever in my life.

Every one halted their movements after hearing that voice. Only sound was that of commentators commenting on the game .

My back was to him. I would have not able to recognise his voice, if the person had not addressed me as soppy.

I was scared to face him now. To see his face, i don't know that if I  will be able to control my tears or feelings.

The person on the bed is a stranger to me. I know the cute Vicky who behaved like a child.

Not the handsome hunk, laying in the bed with such a sexy voice.

I don't even know how he will react with me.

"Awwww... see soppy, my boy scored a six there."

He exclaimed again. It was then i realised i'm zoning out. Every one were waiting for my reply. Watching my reaction. But I couldn't able to bring myself to do so.

I had no strength to face him. I wanted to run away from that room. It was suffocating me.

"Soppy, please turn back. Come here soppy."

It was his voice, was so hypnotising, my body obeyed his order like as its just made to do so.

My legs had their own mind, moving towards him, I had no control over my body.

When i reached near his bed, I was still looking at my feet, he took my hand in his, and tugged me towards him, I fell on his bed, next to him. I was about to get up.

But he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. It was then i started sobbing into his chest.

With that all my pent up emotions and frustrations went away and left me light headed.

When my sobs stopped that i realised, the warmth of his arms around me. The electricity, surging from his body to mine. The churning like sensation in my stomach. The hypersensitivity of my skin where his skin touched. I shuddered at his embrace.

Whenever I read novels, when the author described about the electricity on touch and butterflies like sensation in the stomach, I always laughed at that thought and made fun of it.

But now I know what they meant by that.

Vicky ignited the fire inside me. He awakened the feelings i thought i never possessed.

I tightened my hold on him, he did the same. Felt like we were made for each other. We fit perfectly.

I don't know whether he feels the same or not.

Now I know, what others meant by feeling safe and secure in some ones arms.

I was experiencing the feeling for the first time in life.

I wanted to stay like that for ever.....

_rebel ridz.

I know its a short chapter, but its ma fav too.... So plz i expect lots of votes, comments and follows.

Love ya....

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