confrontation (edited)

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Hello my fav readers, thanks a lot for still sticking to this story.

Dedicating this chapter to




Well I couldn't grasp the reality yet. This I never expected. I had many theories about Vicky's condition, and millie's disappearance. But this I never imagined. I decided to stay  for a while and get a gist of it. Before making an appearance.

" yes mom, it's because of you why Vicky is in this sick condition. You are the one who made this mess. It's you who destroyed our happiness. Millie was my best friend. You not only hurt us. You hurt her too... how could you mom! And since three years. I'm hiding this truth and living a life full of guilt. I can't even look at my brother. For it my guilt will destroy me. I can't do this any more. You are a monster.!! How much I HATE YOU......."

Maggie was sobbing, I couldn't take it any more. But before I step in Mrs. Rohini Verma said,

"Can't you see what I did is for the best!! Sofia is better than millie"

"Oh mom, you will destroy even her life. I agree she's a good person. But she's not fit for Vicky. Vicky, I and Atul loves only millie. We want her back. And don't tell me again to associate with that wrench!!"

Ouch!! Truth hurts, I thought we Will be good friends. I had no idea. This is the way she thought of me. May be I can understand that she still wants millie in,the picture. But that doesn't mean she can call me a wrench.

But I,let it go. Because I know she's hurting. But Atul!? For this I wasn't prepared. He was like a brother to me. How could people do such horrible things.

Anyways it's time I show myself. I should be careful, in front of these people or else they will crush me.

"What is this all about??"

With that I entered the patio.

Both stilled with shock. I couldn't look at Maggie. Because I'm disappointed. She could have showed her real feelings from the beginning. But she played me.

I might forgive her, but I'm not ready to forget about this.

"Maggie, I think you should call it a night,. It's time I get the answers I seek."

"Sof, I......."

"That's ok Maggie. You don't have to call me sof, you should take rest. And no matter what don't think it's your fault ever. Because it isn't. Shit happens!! Your brother needs you. Be with him now. Tell him, when he gains his memory. I am sure he won't blame you."

"Oh, sof I didn't mean...."

"Hey, that's ok. I understand. Please go dear I need to have a talk with your mother"

She looked as if she wanted to say something. But then she just looked at me with shameful look and left the room.

Then,I faced Mrs. Verma,

"I think it's time you tell me everything."

"You are right, but how about we talk about this tomorrow. It's 2 already."

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