The Gala (edited)

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I flinched at her every word, her words cut me deep. She was right at so many level, yet she was wrong. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't look at such a bitter person anymore. So I did only thing I know I ran away from that devil. I didn't know where I was running, all I knew was I had to get away from her.

I reached the backyard, there was a beautiful garden, and a small fountain. It was very beautiful and peaceful. So I sat there. And cried.

I miss my parents so much.

What did she meant by buying me?

What happened to my parents?

Why would they sell me?

Was I such a burden to them.?

We were not rich, but we had all the basic stuff we needed .

I could feel the migraine coming, with all those thoughts. It's been 4 months now and I haven't heard from my parents. I have to find out even if have to sell my soul to that she-devil.

I don't know how long I was  sitting there and crying. But I could feel it's been hours. I heard footsteps coming near, I didn't want any one to see me like this. But it was too late. That person was already in front of me.

And that person was the last person I expected to see. It was Maggie. She just gave me a sympathetic look. She sat next to me. And didn't say anything. I was quiet grateful for that.

But after few minutes she said,

"It will get better, I am not defending my mother. But she's not all bad. I don't know what you are feeling but I know mom, can be mean when she wants to be. She is very controlling. Don't let her to boss you around please. And promise me you will do the right thing."

I know she was talking about something else. It had something to do with that guilty look which she always wear. I wanted to ask her that but I knew she won't tell me anything right now.

Instead I asked her,

"And you promise me you will tell everything to me someday."

She looked little surprised, then smiled.

"Sofie, you are very smart. And thanks for not asking anything now. I will promise. I will tell you everything as soon as I can."



"You can call me sof"

"Then sof it is"

I then knew we were going to be best of friends.

Suddenly my phone rang. It was Rahul, I received the call. And smiled at what I heard there.

I miss you soppy!!

That was the first thing I heard.

I miss you too Vicky.

Soppy, we reached camping site, Rahul and Ajay are cooking. Nihal and karana went to bring water. And I am to guard our camp.

I smiled at that.,

Wow!! That's a big responsibility, you better guard it properly Vicky.

Of course soppy, I'm a big boy. I will do it.

Ummm.. that you are. Vicky did you take your medicine??

Yes, I took. Soppy I'm hungry. I'm going to ask Rahul for food.

Of course Vicky, take care.

Bye soppy, missssss youuuuu choooo much.

Missss youuuu tooooo chooo much Vicky.

I was smiling like an idiot.

I saw Maggie, even she was smiling at me. This was the first time I have seen her smile.

"Wow!! That was so cute.!! "

She exclaimed. I just gave her a shy smile.

"Now let's go. Let's make Mrs. Soppy verma beautiful. Not that she isn't already"

I laughed at her and followed her.

We went to her room, she brought this beautiful purple color floor length gown(picture of her dress is attached) with matching purple ear rings and sandals.

After wearing that she did my hair. She straighten them and at the end she curled them. Made a French bun out of them. Let few strands out. Then she did apply some make up. Just some eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lip gloss and all.

All the time she complimented on my skin tone, hair, eye lashes, and eye color. This girl must be blind. Common she freaking looks like a super model and she's complimenting my plane looks.

She brought me in front of the mirror. The women who was staring at me, was so gorgeous, so elegant, and mature.

"Wow!! Mags, you do magic"

"No silly, you are just simply gorgeous.
Now give me few. I will get ready"

Within 45 mins she got ready, she was wearing red low cut, floor length gown. She looks so beautiful in that. She straightened her hair. Wearing a Pearl necklace and black stilettos.

We made our way towards the hall where gala has been conducted. Whole thing is decorated so well. It's like you have stepped into some royal function. Everything was so elegant. And poshe. Slow music was there. Guests were already present. Some were talking among themselves. And some were helping themselves with refreshments.

A group of men standing there and discussing something serious. Guess it was business. Maggie took me near them and introduced me to Mr. Shekhar verma . Vicky's father.

He looks so young and gorgeous. Vicky is exact replica of his father, except his hair and eyes. Which he inherited from his mother.

"Dad, this is sofie, Vicky's wife"

Mr.verma, smiled at me

"My my, ain't you so gorgeous. He pecked me at forehead"

and introduced me to his business associates proudly.

Wow, at least his father isn't like his mother. I was glad for that.

Many of his associates asked him Vicky's whereabouts, he just said Vicky is handling his company at London and couldn't come here.

"Shekhar, not to be rude, but how can he leave his newly wed wife alone and stay at London?

That gained attention from many guests. Every one were curious to know the answer. Some were even looking suspicious.

Mrs. Verma, rushed toward us.

Before she could say something, I replied

"Actually,even I'm staying at the London with him. We had small crisis at our company, so Vicky had to stay there with Rahul. But he asked me to attend the gala and represent him"

"Oh!  Yes., That's why we didn't see Rahul here.. hmmmm.. such a brilliant business men they are. "

I faked a smile and excused myself.

"You clean up good,"

I was surprised to here that. When I turned back to look who complimented me. I'm sure my jaw might have hit the floor. It was Mrs.verma.

-rebel ridz

Next chapter few secrets will be disclosed.
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