Epilogue (editing)

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Yay!!! Update finally!!
This is the last chapter of deceived marriage. Dedicating to all my readers. I never expected my story to reach 55k. But with all your support and love i was able to complete this story, and to start another one.

Thank you so much guyz....


It is the first time in years, I have had a peaceful sleep, and got up with a smile on my face. When I opened my eyes, I could see the grey ceiling of my old room, yes I am staying at my parents house much to vicky's dismay.

After confessing our love, he wanted me to go home with him, but i didn't change my mind, i told him, next time when i step inside his house i will be called Sofia verma,

Vicky wanted to argue with that, but he knew i was right so didn't force me. But that didn't stop him from blackmailing me with his kisses, I still remember the way he behaved,

After our PDA at airport, we went to his company, he wanted to show me his company and his office, after the long exhausting tour of verma industries, we went to his office,

As soon as his door closed, vicky attacked me with a kiss , full of passion, my back hit his door with a thud, and his kiss became more aggressive, possessive and demanding.

That turned me on, i kissed him back with the same aggressiveness. Our breathing was coming in short huffs. We couldn't control
. Our hands started there own journey.

His hands traced a path from my neck and all of my curves, his knees parted my legs, he lifted one of my leg and circled around his waist.

My hands reached his hair and started pulling them, he groaned in to the kiss, that was such a turn on, i traced his sexy abs,

He carried his assault to my chin, traced my jaw with his sinful lips, he bit my ear lobe, and kissed the back of my ear, and that was my soft spot, i moaned so loudly into the kiss,

I could feel his smirk in the kiss, and thus Mr. Vikram verma, started his assault on my neck and left me with so many , big , purple hickeys.

When he was done with his assault he had this proud expression as if he has won a lottery,

"What was that"

I asked him breathlessly.

"Nothing just wanted to do that since you stepped into this building, "

Said as his was buttoning his shirt. I didn't realise that I had undone his button,

When i was busy blushing he started laughing like a hyena,

When I asked him what did he found so amusing, he laughed harder and showed his finger towards the floor, at first o didn't know what he was showing me, but then I  saw,

There were 3 buttons laying on the floor, guess i didn't undone his buttons more like ripped his shirt apart,


And even I started laughing with him, he looked at me, with such a hunger, still you could see his eyes shining with love.

"Come on, don't distract me further, let me show you my office."

The first thing I saw was a big poster size photo of us, from the picnic, where we both were smiling at each other and Harry had taken that photo.

Deceived Marriage #Wattys2017 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now