caring (edited)

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Special thanks to my frenz Maggie, shivali and sabi who helped me in searching perfect characters for vicky and sofie ;)

Hello everyone, good morning.
Herez the new update...
P.s : hangover is a bitch with capital 'b'


It's been a month, since I have been married to Vikram verma. Life has changed so much. Even my priorities. I am not the same person any more. I won't socialise much now. Not that I did before. Still I had a social life at WATTPAD and Facebook.

Since from last month all I am doing is, getting up early, waking vicky up, helping him brush his teeth, wear his clothes, feed him, play with him , all the video games and cricket, dance with him. Yes dance he can be crazy. One minute we are sitting the very next minute vicky is forcing you to dance .

Some days he would cry, and become very difficult to handle and other days he will be happy, hyperactive and in good mood.  I am spending much time in Google to know more about his condition, so far I have reached behaviour disorder and ADHD.

His moods are taking a toll on me. Don't get me wrong I love spending my time with him, but sometimes it will be too much for me to handle. And that's when Mary will come to my rescue . I am glad she's here with me.

He is a pretty good dancer.
he is a ball of energy . Never getting tired. He has horrible mood swings and crankiness.

I dismissed his nurse and started taking care of him myself.

It's been a month, my parents haven't called me. I Don't know why. yes I am upset and angry with them but still common at least they should have called me to know how I was doing.

I was very close to my parents. Yes my mom was my best friend and I was a daddy's girl. Sometimes I will be  worried and  try  calling them but they are not responding. And that hurts, and makes me upset.
Even vicky noticed that.

He was being a great friend to me. I don't know how he will be when he gets alright. Whether he will care for me or not,? What if he still loves Melanie?? Who I am kidding obviously he loves her. That sort of love cannot be replaced.

Many times at night I have heard him mumbling millie, millie..

I don't know why but that hurts. And some nights he will be having nightmares. Now I know why Mrs. Verma wanted me to stay with him at night. It's not a pretty sight to see.

First time, I was so afraid. I didn't know what to do. But then I went near him. I asked him to get up. He was not responding. I wasn't able to reach him. After jerking him he got up.  I hugged him. And repeatedly told him that he's alright. he would cry in my arms for hours and sleep.

I feel so helpless and sorry for vicky. I would cry myself. Then we sleep together. Hugging each other.

Those days are the worst.  he will be  cranky and difficult. Mary warned me about this, when ever he gets nightmares he will be cranky , Moody and very irritated.. I now knew what she meant by that.

Last night he had a terrible nightmare, he's crying lasted for whole two hours. Then he slept, even I was so tired I followed him soon after.

By the time I woke up next day, he was already up and starring out of window. I asked him cautiously, I was afraid of his moodiness.

"Hey vicky, are you alright??"

He didn't reply. So I went near him. Touched his arm, turned him towards me and asked if he was alright. But I wasn't prepared for his reaction.

Deceived Marriage #Wattys2017 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now