facing reality (edited)

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When I woke up, my head was throbbing badly. I was in an  unfamiliar room, thank God the curtains were closed, I was checking my surroundings, the room was painted in lavender colour, curtains were in pink, dim light was coming from the Windows. I had no idea what time it was. Then I remembered everything  . My conversation with Mary, I couldn't stop the sob which escaped, tears were coming out, I was gasping for air. There was a sharp pain in my chest , I had to hold my chest with a hope to dull the pain. But the pain didn't stop. I felt tired, weak, betrayed and worthless for the first time in life.

I cursed the fate, how can fate be so cruel? Did my parents knew about this? If yes then why did they let me marry him then? Why did they betray me like this?

I was confused, heartbroken and miserable. I didn't know what to do anymore. Felt like my life is slipping away from me. All I could do is sit and cry.

I cried for my fate, my future, my hopes, for my parent's betrayal,for my life,  for everything .And  atlast I cried for vikram. For his illness.

I wanted to leave this home, never wanted to come back, wanted to run away, wanted to chase my dreams and forget this nightmare and move on from this dreadful situation. I didn't wanted to remember this ever happened. Every nerve in my body demanded me to leave.

But I couldn't do that. Let's just face it. I am an idiot and selfless who always kept others needs before me. And now I ended up marrying a guy who doesn't even remember his life. How can I make him my life? Your husband was suppose to be your other half, how can he be my other half, he is not even himself.

And then there's a mystery of his supposed marriage. What had happen that day.  My mind was racing million per second. I am not coward. I won't run. I will stay and face my fate. Maybe when he gain his memories I will leave him. Not today. He might not know the value of a marriage. But I know, I was sound when I married him.

I cannot wallow in self pity forever, I had to do something, in order to prevent myself from going crazy.

With new determination I got out of the bed, and went downstairs. Saw vikram playing video game. I didn't know​ what game it was but he was killing some zombies. And laughing loudly. His hair was messy, there was a stain of Pepsi on his shirt, his face was smeared  with the chocolate  which he might have had earlier.

I felt sorry for him. I pity him. How a successful business man, the most eligible person now in this position. I had to help him. I should do my duties.

I tried focusing on good things like his comfortable bed and amazing Jacuzzi, which relieved some of my discomfort and put me at ease, and created some positive atmosphere. With that I entered the game room.

"Hi vikram, what are you doing??"

He looked uncertain for a moment, like as if deciding whether to talk or not. then he smiled a little, and shyly replied

"Hey a, I am... playing.. a game..
New gal. Want to play aid me?? It is an awesome game"

I couldn't help but smile at his innocence. And replied

"My name is Sophia shar _ wer... verma..."
Corrected at the last minute.

"Verma?? Really? Even my name is also verma, viklam verma but you can call me vikky,"

I observed he had some speech impairment, with the letter 'r'.He was beaming proudly, as if he has achieved some thing...

"Soppy, are you my new playmate??"

How can I reply for his question?Am I his play mate now?

"Yes Vicky, but before we play let us clear this mess... See you are so messy come here let me wipe that cream off your face"

He obeyed me like a lost little puppy.. oh God!! What's wrong with me, I am comparing him with a puppy?? Imagine a hot, tall around 6ft person behaving like a puppy. And there's no doubt he was hot.

I started cleaning his face, and for the first time I noticed his eyes they were blue. I couldn't help myself with the gasp which escaped. He was handsome alright. His nose was long and crooked, not too long to make it ugly, perfect fit for his face. I Cleaned his face  and hurried out of the room. M y heart was beating  rapidly. What is happening with me? Am I having an angina??

I don't know where I was going, after turning left , right and two more lefts some how I reached kitchen...

There I saw Mary along with other two maids cooking dinner. I entered the kitchen, and cleared my throat. All the three turned towards me. I couldn't handle the pity in their eyes...

I spoke to Mary

"Mary, are you free ? We need to talk........"

_ rebel ridz

Hello everyone one hope you like this chapter. Next chapter will know the reason for vicky's illness...
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Love Ya all

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