reason( edited)

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Here I am sitting on a swing and thinking about the conversation I had with mary. I don't know what to feel any more. I feel sorry for vicky...

"Hey mary, are you free, I need to ask you something?"

"Yes madam, what is that"

She replied as she left the kitchen, removed her apron, and looked at me.

"Hmmmm.... can you please give me the​ tour?"

"Oh I am so sorry, yesterday I should have given, but you were tired. come dear I will show you around."

As Mary was taking me corridor after corridor, we came across a dining hall which was so big,the game room, storage room , and there were ten rooms, excluding vicky's, an indoor pool, outdoor swimming pool. The house was breathtaking.

As we reached the patio, I was feeling nervous, I wanted to ask her so badly, but I didn't know how she'll react.

I was fidgeting and playing with my fingers.

Mary must have noticed that , she asked me to take a seat, she sat beside me, asked Rani(another maid) to bring some coffee.

.(Oh, I forgot to mention you all, I am a coffee freak, will get high even with a single cup, coffee is my first husband and wattpad is my second... guess vicky is my third?? Does this mean I am cheating on vicky?? Omg!!! But who cares I can't live without my babies.)

Back to the  present, Mary was observing me, finally she asked

"What is it which is troubling your young mind madam??"

"Ah! mary, Please address me as sofie,"

She gave an encouraging smile as if to say continue...

"Mary, I want to know everything happened to Vicky."

Mary, suddenly became unsure and nervous. Common didn't she expected it? (Mental eye roll)

"Madam, I am sorry I can't tell you that.... it's not my place."

" No Mary, you have to. I have every right to know, I have married him, I want to know what have I gotten myself into. Please."

I almost begged her. She might have noticed my stubbornness and how desperate I am, she replied.

"I don't know much sofie, but you are right, I will tell you what I know. Master vicky  was young, handsome, hardworking, charming  and very intelligent. I have practically raised him. You see these rich people always leave their children in maid and nannies care, they take care of every need but they never have time to give some love.

I love him as my own, but growing up he missed his parents and felt lonely.  He never turned bitter, but then he never trusted any one.

you see he always expected some love from his parents , they were so busy they didn't even noticed vicky any more. only monthly phone calls to know his whereabouts. He did many things just to seek his parent's attention but never succeeded, I always worked hard and scored highest in academics but never had parents to celebrate.

He tried everything but never got noticed, that's when he started rebelling against his parents, Atul and Maggie were under his grand parents care. He was always alone at Verma mansion. Always shared things with me.

But once he started rebelling he stopped coming to me, became more distant, started doing drugs and alcohol. Everyday he had a different girl.

But that all changed when he first met her."

Felt nervous suddenly don't know why,

"I still remember the day,  it was vicky's 21st b'day, this house was his birthday present. We had just shifted here.He started working since 18. It was time to move out. He had enough money, he wanted to buy this house but his parents insisted and gifted it.

  I was in the kitchen, making him his favourite chocolate pie. He came , hugged me and he was smiling , I have never seen him smile so much, I asked him the reason for his happiness"

V_"oh Mary, you won't believe what happened, I am in love!!"

M_"Really now?? Who is she, where did you meet her, why I am hearing about her now? Wait it's she ryt?"

I asked him teasingly.

He mock glared me and replied,

V_"she is my Secretary, I met her 6 months ago, she is so beautiful, loving, caring, kind hearted, you can't believe. I fell in love with her and you know what even more amazing, she loves me back."

M_"when am I going to meet her?? "

V_"About that,  actually I have invited her as today is my birthday and my so called caring parents will be here. "

Party started, every one came even his parents, his brother and sister , at last he came hand in hand with a pretty gorgeous , they both looked in love. But vicky's parents were not happy. vicky can't be fooled.

So he stood his ground, they dated for two years, he proposed her on their anniversary.  they were suppose to marry. On the day of his marriage he received a call, he left the mansion in hurry, I tried to ask him where is he going, but his expression is one that of a broken, sad and furious man... He left home... time passed there was no message from vicky had to send all the relatives and friends back. And more shocking thing is even bride was missing. It was horrible. The embarrassment Vermas had to go through that day. Reporters went wild.

But was more upsetting was, Vicky was no where to be found. Neither was Melanie.  Every one were so worried that night. Next day we received a call from hospital, saying vicky was drunk and driving and he met with an accident, he was in very critical condition.... we reached hospital as soon as we can..

He was in surgery. He was in coma, after four months he gained consciousness since then he is behaving like this... we asked doctors all around the world they said it's post traumatic complication, he lost some of his memories. We don't know what happened between him and his fiancee......"

I didn't noticed we both were crying .

"Mary , what's the name of that girl??"

"Millie, short for Melanie"

_rebel ridz.

So how is it??
Do you like this?? Wanna guess what happened between them?? Plz keep guessing and lemme kno what you think of this chapter...
And I am dedicating this chapter to chimerascribler, plz read her stories... She is amazing....
Thank you plz vote and comment.
Love Ya all

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