pt 2 (edited)

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Dedicated to smiley020





Today when I woke up, I knew this day is going to be dreadful. Vicky was not at his side of the bed, which is surprising. Then I saw a yellow note on his pillow. Wow! Vicky has written a note, that's new. Mind tell you his handwriting is very messy. May be because of his condition??

Dear soppy,
I'm going with rahul, we are going for camping. I miss you. I call you every day. Kick some Mrs. Dracula's arse(rahul added).

Bye take care.


I laughed at what Rahul has said. But it's sweet of Vicky to write such a note. I smiled at that. May be my day won't be that bad??

Uh!! Who am I kidding??

I got up from the bed, took shower very quickly. Wore a green Saree which my mom had given me before my marriage. It's really nice Saree. Oh mom! How much I miss you. Wish you were here to help me with this whole meeting.

There was no point in thinking about this, it will spoil my already spoilt mood. I curled my hair. Applied light amount of make up. With some mascara , eye liner and lip gloss.

I came to dining hall saw that Mary had already set the table. I had no appetite. Still had a glass of orange juice. While walking towards living room I was in my own thoughts, I didn't realise where I was going. Next thing I heard is crash. Wow! I crashed a vase!! Really?

Can this day get anymore worse?

Mary came immediately. I was about to pick up the glasses Mary said she will do it.

"Oh honey, this is a bad omen. Please be careful"

Great this is what I needed to hear before facing my in-laws. Just great.

"It's ok Mary, I will be alright. You take care. I'm going with Harry. Will be back in two days. By the way I don't believe in omens. Bye."

With that I left home, Harry was already waiting for me . He opened the door for me. I thanked him and sat there thinking about this so called meeting.

I was very anxious. It was of 45min ride. Before I know Harry was parking in front of a bungalow. Ya that's what I thought first. Vicky's house is nothing in front of this. But still Vicky's house is cozy. This looks like a hotel.

Harry opened the door for me. And gestured inside. As soon as I entered the door. Atul hugged me tightly. And said he missed me.

"Yea , that's why you visited me??"

"Sorry bhabi, (sister in law) I had exams . So I was busy."

Then Maggie came and greeted me.

And told that my mother-in-law is waiting in living room. She showed me the room and left.

The living room was very spacious. It's more beautiful than outside. Then I saw a women. Who looks not more than thirties. She had same hair as that of Vicky's. She was so beautiful. Wow.

She was wearing a black dress. Which looks very expensive and she looks like, she has just came out of photo shoot.

She was looking at me with distaste.

Oh now I knew, what everyone were saying about. I tried to stand straight but with her criticizing stare I couldn't.

"So you are?"

She asked with such a distaste. As if I'm some dirt under her shoes.

"I'm Sofia shar-er-Verma, mom"

That did it. She got angry. She was looking red with anger. If she were a cartoon you will see the smoke coming out of her ears. Well she is really scary. My heart started beating 100 per minute.

"What did you just called me?? Mom? You are to call me Mrs.Verma nothing else other than that. If I didn't need a full time nurse for my Vicky. I would have never associated with some low lives like you. Understand?."

I flinched at her words. I knew the truth. Still it hurts to here from another. I controlled my tears. No I couldn't show her how much her words effected me,

Before I could say something she continued,

"And what the hell are you wearing. ?
You look like some circus clown. Green is not your colour!! My god! And that Saree from which slum you got that that thing ?? It's so hideous. Even our workers wear better than you."

Now it was me who was fuming. How could she say something like that.

"Listen here Mrs.Verma, you might me rich, mighty and all, but you don't have any say at what I do and what I wear. This Saree which you called as hideous thing is a gift from my mama. I don't need your approval. As you said my job to take care of Vicky. Which I am doing quite well"

I replied with satisfaction. She just raised an eyebrow and asked

" Oh really!! Then where is Vicky? I can't see him with you now?"

"Oh actually, he didn't want to be any where near you. And had a fit about that. So he went with Rahul for camping. By the way now I know why he didn't want to see you"

That's a low blow I agree. I saw flash of hurt. Before I could apologize.

"You ungrateful brat!! How dare you say something like that to me. Know your place. I have every say at what you do. And you know why. I have brought you. your parents sold you for money. Which I'm providing them every month. You are my slave. I can do whatever the hell I want. So now get out . Don't show me your ugly face. Out!!

-rebel ridz

Dun!'dun! Dun!.
What do you think of this chapter??
And all my curious readers, in next to chapter's half of the mystery will be solved.

Comment , what you think of rohini verma??
And see our soppy has a back bone.

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Love y'all

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