Forgiving (edited)

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Hello my darling watty friends, sorry I haven't replied to your comments. Coz I am really busy. I promise will do that shortly.

Every one requested for some romance, so instead of making an epilogue I am writing another chapter and adding some romance.

Dedicating this chapter to all my watty followers.


I thought Laya will not agree with my decision. But she surprised me. She gave me the courage to go back and face my demons. To overcome my fears.

She was right. I need to meet him once and let him go. So I packed my bags and decided to go back.

"Sof, I miss you.."

"oh Laya! I miss you too. "

With that we said our goodbyes. So here I am, I will be landing in fifteen minutes and I am freaking out.

I don't want to go back and face the person I am in love with. I don't have strength to bear another heartbreak. I can't see him with Melanie.

What if he is already married?! What if he has children?! What if he doesn't remember me?! All these doubts are giving me a headache.

I will not meet him till I am ready. May be after a week, a month or a year. But not now.

With that determination I gathered all my courage and made my way.

After collecting my luggage, when I was going to get a taxi I saw the person I was determined to ignore.

There he was with all his glory, looking sexy as hell. Sun kissed tanned skin, body to die for. Shirt clinging to his six packs. Hair as dark as night, eyes which will capture you, hypnotize you. Will hold you as a prisoner.

He looked better than I remembered. He looked matured. Time has been good to him. But I could still see the dark circles underneath . Worry lines creased on his forehead. Lips parted in surprise. Gaze as intense as a laser beam.

No doubt he was checking me out. I felt naked in front of his piercing gaze.

There is no going back, no place to hide. I have to talk to him. I have to face him. I have to make a right decision. So I stood in front of him.



He replied in disbelief.

His voice and the name he always called me sent a jolt of shivers into me. Its tougher than I thought. We both were standing so close not saying anything.

That moment was so awkward. Didn't know what to talk. With every second my anxiousness was increasing. My heart was beating so fast, I was afraid that it would pop out of my body.

I had to leave. I can't face him. I have to go.

So I muttered a goodbye and turned around. Before I could take four steps, some one pulled me back with the force, that I stumbled into the same person. But before I could react, a pair of demanding lips met mine.

The lips were so soft, still burned like a branding iron, igniting a fire I never knew existed in me. I don't know about people feeling stars and butterflies, but I felt the passion, which was killing all my senses like a poison, replacing with desire.

For a moment or two I didn't respond, but then I moved my hands around his shoulders, holding him tight and kissed him back. With the same passion.

I heard an animalistic growl, and felt his arms tightened around me. His hands started roaming over my body. But that action increased my passion.

He pulled me closer.

Closer to his body. And deepened the kiss. His tongue traced my lips asking for an entrance. I smirked in between our kiss and denied his request. He took that as a challenge. Moved his hand sensually from my waist, tracing over my flat stomach, paying attention to my belly button and then squeezed my butt.

I gasped at the pleasure Vicky was igniting in me. He smirked at me and entered his tongue. We both fought for dominance. But at last he won. And deepened the kiss. I could taste faint coffee, which acted as a fuel to our passion. By the end of our kiss we both were panting like dogs.

He rested his forehead against me. Gave one of his breath taking smiles. And whispered the words, 'I thought I would never see you.'

"Soppy, I love you. Please darling be my wife for real this time. Please be mine."

His confession brought me  to the reality. Before I could protest he continued.

"Listen to me soppy, I love you and I know that you love me too. Your kiss gave me the answer I was seeking for years. I am not asking you too mary me today or tomorrow. All I am asking you is a chance. A chance to prove myself to you. To prove my love for you. To prove that we belong together. To prove we are made for each other."

After that he kissed me again. But this time the kiss was sweet, slow and promising.

A promise for a better life ahead.

I didn't reply to his question, but gave him my answer by kissing him back. Before I could deepen the kiss he pulled back. I was disappointed. He just smiled at me and replied.

"As much as I love to continue our make out session, I don't want to scare the people here. After all we are still at the parking lot. "

It was then I realised, we are in a public place. I was so embarrassed .

But vicky wore this proud expression. And smirked at the people who were watching us. I hit him on the shoulder.

"I missed this"


"You blushing and turning red like a tomato."

"Shut up!!"

And I blushed harder. Vicky took me back to my parents' house. Since I refused to stay with him, till we marry, much to his disappointment.

But he agreed at last. On the way he explained what happened between him and Melanie. And how he was keeping tabs on me.

I just rolled my eyes at his protectiveness. He was reluctant to leave me alone. Then I had to bribe him with kisses and promised a date.

He left my house by 11pm. I miss him now. I was feeling blessed. I have never felt this way ever.

All I had to do was forgive him to be happy. I am sure he will prove his love to me one day.

_rebel ridz

P.s : I am new to instagram, user name is ridsie29 so my amazing followers follow me there. I will be posting the new cover for my upcoming story. Follow me there to know more about my upcoming stories.

And there is a video which inspired me to write this story, will be uploading it on insta. So see you there.

Vote. Comment. Follow.

Love ya'll

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