picnic (edited)

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Hello. Thank u.every one for voting my story. I am dedicating this chapter to my best friend hadeeba taj......


After hearing the word picnic, I got so excited. That I started jumping and hugged vicky tightly and vicky was chucking at my behaviour.  he had that light blush on his cheeks. His hair  was a bit messy. But it looked good on him. He was looking  cute. I couldn't stop myself so I pinched his cheeks.

"Awww... soppy, that hurts... leamme... ow...."

He was swatting my hands. I pinched a little Harder .. by that time his cheeks were fully read. I started laughing at him. So he started messing with my hair. Which It had taken 30 minutes to set. Now all waste.,not that I was complaining. So then we started tickling each other. We both were laughing and goofing around.

Suddenly a voice disturbed us,.

"You too are such children go , it's getting late. You better be back by 8:30. Take Harry with you. ( Harry is the body guard ). "

She said sternly.

So we both mumbled yes mam..

I reminded vicky to take our jackets too. It's a bit cold outside.  we met Harry at the door.

He took us to park with a B.M.W .

I am so in love with cars. This one is super duper. My smile was so big , vicky and Harry started to laugh at me.

I mock glared at them. But those goofus laughed loudly.

With in 20 minutes we reached the park. No this is not yesterday's park. This one is bigger a one.

Vicky was so excited ,

"Come soppy, come soon we have to go now. We have wasted time already....."

"Yea? And whose fault was that??"


He pointed at me cheekily.

We went inside the park. Sat near a bench under the tree. Vicky opened the basket  , I got up to help him. He told he is doing this as to show how sorry he is for yesterday'. I just smiled in return.

He laid out a blanket. Very messily may add. So I just shook my head and helped him. And he smiled at me apologetically...

He opened the basket , it had so many varieties of food.my mouth started watering.

It had sandwiches, aloo_gobi parantha, grilled chicken, fish fry, vanilla, butterscotch and black current ice cream, blue berry pastry and at last gajar ka halwa... yummmy....

There were stars in my eyes. And vicky was laughing at me. I warned him never to come between me and  my food , coffee and me. He just smiled at me and said.

"You.are .such.a.child"

I was shocked. So I said look whose talking. He just shrugged in reply...

We ate happily. We even invited Harry to join us. After eating food vicky told me he loves gajar ka halwa..... I promised him that I will make him the best gajar halwa ever.

We were having a blast.

I mixed gajar ka halwa with vanilla ice cream and was eating it. It was so yummy..

"Ewww... that's gross!! Why are you eating like this.?"

I glared at him and said, never judge without trying. Now shut up...

Then I got an idea,

"You know what, try this!!"

"No thank u, soppy. I am fine."

"Plz plz plz pretty plz with cherry on top try this for me."

And I gave him my best puppy look.

So finally he agreed and tried. I was eagerly waiting for his response. Then his eyes lightened and he screamed


I just laughed at him and said bestest isn't even a word. So he replied it is for him.

We continued eating. From the corner of my eyes I saw him watching me expectantly. I knew he wanted more of my dessert.

I never share my dessert. But with him I did.

He was so happy. We both were feeding each other and happily chatting.

After we finished eating he said,

"Soppy, come I want to show you something....."

I followed him. He asked Harry to guard our belongings.

He took out some bread and lead deep inside the park.

After some walking. I could see a beautiful pond there.

There was a bench beside pond, we went there and sat silently. Each of us in our own thoughts.

I was thinking, how much my life has changed with in a month. My priorities, every thing has changed and the thing is, it doesn't matter to me any more. I am happy with my life somehow..

I don't know. Till when I will be living this dream. But I don't want to wake up.

When I was in deep thinking, vicky sighed beside me.

"Hey vicky, what's wrong??"

"You know soppy, this is the place where I always come whenever I need to think something. No buddy plays with me. They say I am freak. I know I am not normal. So I come here and feed these fishes. You are the only one who stays with me and play with me. Thank you."

And he kissed me on my cheek. At that moment I felt a surge of electricity passing through me, my heart started beating so fastly. My breath was caught with in me. I was feeling things which I shouldn't feel. He is not mine he is millie's. One day I will wake up and he won't be there for me.

But selfishly I pushed all the thoughts away and replied, 

I will always be there for you. You just have to ask me.....

We watched Sun set. When it was getting dark. We went to the place where Harry was sitting. We asked Harry to take some of our photographs. We were making weird faces, pouts and duck faces .

We had a great day. Harry said he will get it framed and give it to us. We thanked him and started playing hide and seek. Soon many other children from park joined us. We played till 7:00.

I was getting tired so I went and sat on bench. Vicky was talking to some children. Harry came and sat beside me and said,

"I have known him all my life, I have never seen him this happy ever. You are good for him. I just wish you would have come before millie madam. She was very good for Vicky but you are best for him. I wish him to get well soon and realise what a gem he has got......."

I couldn't reply. Emotions were all over me. So I just smiled and thanked him. prayed the almighty to make him better.

We reached home at 9. We were so tired that we slept . With silly smiles on our faces......

_ rebel ridz

Ah! Hello
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Love y'all

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