compromise (editing)

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first of all i wanna thank all my lovely, beautiful, amazing readers, for reading my story. When i first started writing i didn't even know whether i could do this. But somehow, with all your encouragement, reads, votes and comments we reached 30k today.

I'm a bit busy so i couldn't thank all those who have voted me personally. So here i'm thanking you all for that.

I really AppreciAte if you ppl comment or pm me.

And please share this story with your other watty friends.

This chappy gonna be comparatively small.

But will try to update next chap asap!!!


I wanted to process what's going on around me. I wanted to mourn for my love for my broken heart. I needed some alone time.

I cant even blame others, it was all my doing. I fell for the wrong person. When I looked at Vicky all I could see was regret, pity and sorrow.

I know it wasn't easy for him to say that. What I didn't understand is why did he said that in front of every one? Why not when we were alone.

I had to control myself, I shouldn't show my weakness, I can wallow in my heart break when I am alone. This isn't the time for thst. But for now I should pretend.

I met Rahul's gaze, he knew. His expression told me he knew exactly what I'm feeling. He could see through me. He wanted to say something.

I begged him from my eyes not to. He understood, he sighed and nodded at last.

Our exchanged went unnoticed by Vicky. He was busy glaring at his parents. Mr.Verma had guilt written all over his face, but Mrs. Verma had no clue about all this.

"Why dad? Why?"

Vicky barked. I could see he was trying to control his rage. His eyes were dilated. I had never seen him like this before.

He was turning red, if he didn't calm himself he will do something which we all regret later.

His father flinched at his tone. Before he could reply Vicky continued.

"You played with all our feelings dad, how could you betray us like this, how could you do this to me. But dad answer me one thing why sofie? Why her? What wrong did she ever do to you? Please answer me before I do something I regret"

I wanted to go near him, hold him in my arms, wanted to calm him down. But I didn't know if I could do this, if I go anywhere near him I will breakdown.

I wont be able to handle my heart. I can't let him know how much I love him. Not now, not ever.

So I stayed where I was, but it was Vicky who rushed towards me, I was sitting on a sofa he kneeled in front of him, held my hands in his and just sat there.

I needed no words to understand he was apologizing for all this, for his parents who dragged me into this,

And he did something which I thought I  would never see, he cried. He kept his head in my lap and cried. It was like he was letting everything out. It wasn't just for me. It was for himself, for the past 5yrs of his life, for his lost love and for his parents betrayal.

"I forgave you for abandoning me when i needed you. But now I cant forgive you for this ever. You not only did hurt me, but you dragged sofie into this. You shouldn't have done that dad, .
Just tell me why?"

I tried to console him. Atleast I got his care and respect for loving him. With that I fell more for him. Its like his every action making me impossible to resist him.

Deceived Marriage #Wattys2017 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now