The Concert (edited)

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They person who was standing in front of me was none other than Melanie. Even though I had just seen her in pictures. Its not that difficult to recognise her.

I thought she was beautiful in the pictures. But pictures don't do justice to her beauty. She's gorgeous.

Standing in front of me, wearing a royal blue knee length dress, hair perfectly curled, with right amount of make up and black heels, Melanie was looking like a model.

My heart constricted just by looking at her. She was the one who Vicky loved. She's everything what Vicky seeks in his wife. She's perfect.

I didn't see the girl who could be pushed AROUND easily now. What I see is a determined, confident young woman who knew what she wanted and who goes for it.

Honestly, this side of her scared me a bit. I mustered up all the courage and made my way towards her.


"Yea.... look if you need an autograph you can come in the morning, can't you see I'm trying to relax here..."

Ok that was plain rude. Judging by her attitude and attire I guess she's some big shot model now.

Damn... Me and my lack of interest in television. I don't even know what she has become.

"Millie, you got that wrong... I'm just..."

"Don't you dare Millie me. Who the hell you think you are? If you should know one thing about me, that no one... when say no one I mean it... no one can call me Millie and get away with it. You understand?"

Before I could stop myself, I blurted,

"Because that's what Vicky called you??"

Suddenly she became rigid and pale, her face was devoid of emotions and colour.

"How do you know about Vicky? And who are you?"

I sighed and continued,

"Shall we take this conversation to somewhere private?"

She nodded and we went to my room. After entering she commented how beautiful my room is. And I have given the most beautiful and expensive room at the hotel.

I just thanked her and offered some wine. Then she asked me to explain.

And I did, everything except the fact where I married Vicky and fell in love with him. I told her I'm a friend of Vicky.

By at the end of our conversation she started crying.

"You know Sofia, I love him. He's still with me, in my dreams. I just want to make myself better for him. I'm no more a naive girl , who can be pushed around. I'm a model, a well known one. I'm even working in bollywood now."

"Ummm.. that's good, so when are you going to come back and meet Vicky?"

"I...I don't know, I'm just scared and excited. I want to, I really do but I have no idea how he will react to that."

"I'm sure vicky will be happy to see you."

"I know right, after all I'm the one he's in love with."

Ouch! That hurts, whom am I kidding. I could see her possessiveness and jealousy easily. And that hurts me even more. I can't even claim my love. I so badly wanted to slap her. But then I had to remind myself that I was doing the right thing.

Later she said she will think about it and let me know. I had no intention of meeting her again so I just invited her for the concert and checked out of hotel next morning.

*after a week*

At 7:30pm,

Concert is yet to start. Everything was in order and it was looking great, we managed to attract a huge crowd. I'm sure that the money we get from this will be a lot too.

I smiled at the fact how, this money will help few people at getting their lives back.

Suddenly i felt a pair of hands encircling my waist.

That was my husband for the night.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

I just shrugged at reply. And savoured the moment between us. This will be my last night with Vicky.

Seems like we were at the same page, because he tightened his hold at my waist. And sniffed my hair.

I returned the favour. Vicky always smelled delicious.

"I miss you...."

I muttered quietly, but he heard me. He hugged me tight, he didn't reply but I knew he will miss me too.

"Please Soppie keep in touch, I can't live peacefully without knowing where and how you are. Please."

He sounded so vulnerable I wanted to promise him, but I knew that wont be a good idea....

"You know that's not possible right?
I won't be able to do that. We both need this. As much as this is killing me, I have to be strong"

I didn't realise that I was crying, so was Vicky. We both wiped each others tears. And smiled. Vicky kissed my forehead. His lips lingered a little longer than necessary.

Our moment was disturbed by a knock on the door. We let go of each other and went to the concert.

It was beautiful, from Rahat Fateh Ali Khan's sufi music to Honey Singh's rap and Atif's ever green songs...

And not to mention One Direction..

Apparently Vicky asked them to dedicate the song "Little Things" to me. So when Harry, dedicated that song to me, I was screaming with joy and hugged Vicky tightly. He spun me around and chuckled at my behavior.

Hey but common, imagine Harry Styles dedicating a song to you....

The whole time I and Vicky were holding hands.

At the end when Mr. Mehta thanked every one, and especially our family, he asked us to join him on the stage. We had a great time.

When all the guests left and crowd cleared, it was 3:00 am.

Vicky and I were the last to leave, we didn't want to go yet. And face the good byes. So we were stalling.

Vicky came near me, stood too close to me, his expression was filled with passion, longing and lust...

Yes lust . I can't deny this any more. I'm sure my expression mirrored his, he was going to kiss me. I knew it. And I wasn't going to stop.

But before our lips touched, I heard a voice I never wanted to hear...



_rebel ridz

Hello my lovely watty friends, sorry for late updates. I am just busyyyyyyyyyyy....

Bdw almost all of you guessed right at the end of last chapter.

And few asked me that how will sofie recognize millie,

So to answer your question if you have read the story properly you will know that she has seen many of melanie's pictures..

Let me know what you think of this chapter.

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Love ya'll

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