Chapter 10

205 40 397

29th May 2019


It has been ten days since I've seen Renee.

Ten whole days of sneaking around the Spirit Portal, searching for her Realm, trying not to get caught by anyone from the ISA, only to have failed miserably in all my endeavours.

I wasn't expecting Renee to make a stable Realm. I knew that it was hard for her, as not only did it require a high amount of energy, but also the expertise of spiritual ways. Both of which she lacked.

I'd figured out that she would end up making a temporary one, which I had to find before it dissolved. I know that the odds were terribly low, but I had a tiny ray of hope.

And Shay knew how to squash it.

"There are a thousand Realms created every day," She frowned at me, as she sat on her bed. "How do you expect yourself to find her exact Realm?"

I sat on her desk chair, leaning my head against the wall, at an angle that would give me a terrible neck ache if I were a human.

"I'll find her Shay," I said nonchalantly, but I thought otherwise.

The thing was, I was drunk and completely smitten the day Renee had arrived in my room. In an attempt to look cool and heroic, I'd made a plan that I now regretted, as it was beginning to look impossible.

And now, Shay was basically listing out every single way it could go wrong. I knew she only cared for me, but did it have to be so annoying?

"What if you don't find her?" Shay leaned forward, now crossing her legs. "You can't search forever."

I couldn't help but panic at her words.

What if I never found Renee?

No. No. No.

Noah, calm down. There had to be a way.

"Then," I shut my eyes, thinking desperately for an alternate plan, "I'll go into her dream. Maybe try to talk to her." I shrugged as I opened my eyes, trying to look like I had it all figured out.

"And you think the ISA won't find out?" Shay raised her eyebrows.

I would've retorted, except that my phone rang. It's a notification, telling me that I had to get ready to guide my next Spirit from the Earthly Realm.

An old lady named Mrs Green.


Mrs Green was a pleasant old lady who had died of old age. Being ninety-five years old, she told me that she had enough of her life on earth and wanted to skip her funeral.

"I want to go!" She pouted, her jaws stuck together due to her absence of teeth and her mouth a mountain of wrinkles. "I've been waiting for this day my whole life!"

I grinned at her enthusiasm, before giving her access to the Spirit Realm. She got a little impatient while filling the form, but it soon disappeared as I opened the glowing white Portal.

The Spirit Portal was a network of pathways connecting all the Realms. And now, it would directly lead Mrs Green to Initiation.

"Wow, this is like magic!" She exclaimed giving me a toothless grin. She ambled into the portal and I helped her out since she'd spent the last twenty years in a wheelchair and was used to it.

Soon we reached the Initiation. A huge glass building, with a central crystal pathway made for new Spirits. The whole structure glowed magnificently under the night sky, looking like a galaxy in a box.

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