Chapter 44

85 21 223

3rd August 2019


I didn't know what fun was until I met the LOLtube gang.

From flying carpets to surfing over burning hot lava, to riding lions and giraffes to eating clouds as if it were cotton candy; they had an endless amount of ideas that they wanted to implement in the Spirit Realm.

"If only we could catch this on tape," Simon sighed, as we all just floated lazily on top of multiple clouds.

"We can," Daisy smiled, pulling out a phone and taking a video of all of us. "See, everything is captured right here."

"Yeah, but I wanted to post it on LOLtube," Simon corrected.

"Noah, Spirits have the internet, don't they?" Clover asked me.

"Yeah, but it isn't the same as Earthly Internet," I informed.

"What if you could connect the two?" Mike asked. "Then we could continue to be Youtubers even if we can't get back to the Earthly Realm."

"That would be awesome," Violet grinned. Unlike the rest of us, she was sitting on a unicorn with rainbow hair and a golden horn.

Maybe this is what it felt like to be in a Disney movie.

"Can you do that? Connect the Spirit Internet with the Earthly Internet?" Renee asked me. We were sitting on the same cloud of sugary white cotton candy.

"Maybe," I shrugged, stifling a yawn. "I'll think about it tomorrow, I'm really tired now."

"Me too," Renee answered. "I guess I need to go back to the Earthly Realm."

I nodded. It had been more than four days since Renee had left behind her human body. Phyllis's locket ensured that she could return whenever she wanted to and that her soul could never truly leave her body unless she wanted it to.

"I'm going back too," Clover piped up. She held up her locket. "I can't stay in a coma any longer."

Our cloud descended to the ground, and we hopped off it, landing on the wooden floor of Mike's room. Yes, everything was happening in Mike's room, we could change the place to anything we liked.

Once Renee and I were in her room, she closed the door gently, before turning to face me, looking concerned.

"Something is on your mind," She said, her steely grey eyes seeing straight through me.

She knew. Of course, Renee always knew. She was like, my person. Maybe we weren't alike, but we understood each other perfectly, without even telepathy.

"Noah," Renee whispered, jolting me back into reality. She was sitting next to me, her head on my shoulder, and playing with my fingers like always.

"Ren," I started, wondering how to frame my sentences so that they didn't come out wrong. "This place is dangerous. For you and me."

I expected her to be surprised, but she nodded quietly, her brown hair brushing my cheek, urging me to continue.

"I don't trust Isaac and Shay," I said the obvious.

"I know," She answered. "Are you worried they'll turn us over to the ISA?"

"They might," I shrugged, as she lifted her head off my shoulder. "But I don't think they will."

Renee watched me keenly, her grey eyes glittering like diamonds. I don't think I've ever talked about how beautiful her eyes were, the number of emotions they held, looking at me like that. With love, with trust, with-

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