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18th August 2019

It was already 31st July 2019 in her pdf.

Barely three weeks ago, Renee had been travelling Realms, seeking enlightenment, while Clover had been stabbed by Sir Johannes, and had ended up in the hospital.

It felt unbelievable. Was all this true, or was it another evil scheme of Sir Johannes?

Renee didn't know.

But something about the way she'd arranged the pdf, the friendly letters to herself, everything told her that it was all indeed real.

That she really did have a Spirit boyfriend called Noah.

Even thinking about him caused a blush to rise to her cheeks. The way she enjoyed reading his entries more than her own, trying to memorise how he'd described her, the way he called her Ren like he'd known her for her whole life, the way he was effortlessly adorable in everything he did.

Renee fell back onto her bed, desperately wishing that her memories would return. She tried to imagine all that messy dark hair, ocean blue eyes and a heart-stopping smile paired with a cute dimple...

Her brain provided her with no fitting image.

Frustrated, Renee sat up and tried what she imagined to be telepathy.

"Noah?" She thought, trying to imagine him on the other side. "Can you hear me?"

There was no reply.

The sudden knock on her door shook her out of her reverie. A minute later, her mom entered, carrying her breakfast.

From what Renee could see, her mom looked terrible. Her light brown hair was messy like she hadn't bothered to brush it in days, her grey eyes lost in a faraway glance, as she held a plate with two pieces of toast in her hand.

"Eat," She said in a neutral voice. "Mike wouldn't want to see us sad."

Then she burst into tears, thrusting the plate onto Renee's hands and rushing out of the room.

Mike was dead now.

Was this related to Sir Johannes too?

Renee knew that her brother wouldn't suicide when he was so successful in life, and especially when he was dating Clover. It made no sense, and Renee wanted to find the answers to all this.

"Your mom's not here?" Her dad stood at the doorway, eyeing the toast in Renee's hands.

"No, dad," she shook her head.

Her dad walked in and sat next to her, staring at his feet. "I've been too harsh on Mike," He sighed.

Renee didn't know what to say, so she remained quiet.

"I thought he was possessed, and I wanted to protect you all from him. I didn't realise that it would pressurize him like that," her dad stared at his palms. "I let go of him when he needed me the most."

"Dad, this isn't like -"

"It is, Renee. I've been a bad father and I've been too carried away by things that didn't exist. This is all my fault," He got up, his hands falling to his sides in defeat.

"Dad, you never know. Maybe Mike was possessed," I told him gently.

"Don't say that, Renee. Your brother died because of my false accusations," His shoulders fell. "I... I'll go search for your mom."

Renee sat on her bed, idly staring at her toast. It devastated her to see her parents so broken, so hopeless and anger rose in her.

Sir Johannes, whoever he was, deserved to be punished for what he'd done.

How many families had he tortured in the past? How many people had he emotionally manipulated to get what he wanted?

And what did he want with Renee?

Renee needed answers. Answers that were hidden in her next pdf.

After tearing down her room for any sign, any clue that she may have left, Renee finally gave up, nearly after an hour. She vaguely wondered where her meditation stimulator was, and if the ISA had somehow destroyed her amazing invention.

She took a bite of the cardboard-like toast, and chewed on it, contemplating on what she had to do next. Thankfully, there was nothing much to be done from her side.

Because that's when Sam came.

He looked as normal as ever, his black backpack upon his shoulders, and that nonchalant look about his face. He was holding a large, brightly wrapped present in his hand away from him like it might be a bomb.

"Here's the package you asked for," He said, placing it gently upon her bed.

"I asked for this?" Renee raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you gave it to me two days ago and asked me to return it today. So, here it is," Sam shrugged, as he dug through his backpack, before pulling out a letter.

"That's mine too?" Renee asked, noticing her own handwriting on the envelope.

"Yeah, you wrote a letter to yourself," He explained, with a hint of sarcasm. "And that isn't weird at all."

Renee stifled her laughter, as she took the letter from him. She was tempted to open it, but Sam was still standing in front of her.

"Is there more?" She asked, trying to peer into his backpack.

"Yes, there is," Sam said, but he didn't move. He shoved his hands into his pockets, looked away from her, before speaking.

"This is the first time I'm doing something for free. Just letting you know."

His hazel eyes stared at her for a second, before he nodded curtly at her and left her room.

Renee opened her package first, only to find what looked like her meditation stimulator staring back at her. She picked it up, carefully turning it over in her hands. It had a peculiar smell, something similar to a disinfectant like it had been cleaned.

Did Sam clean it for her?

Renee now focused on the letter that lay beside the package. She opened it and began to read, excited to see what would happen next.

Hi me-who-knows-quite-a-lot,

I bet you're happy to see the meditation stimulator. It's another proof to remind you that what happened was true, and this isn't something fake that someone could've come up with.

This applies especially to Noah. He wants to remind you that he's every bit real and that no one could make up someone as unique and awesome as him. Yeah, pretty overdramatic, if you ask me.

Anyway, here's the rest of the pdf. I'm warning you that it isn't as happy as the other two. And yet, this is my favourite too, for a million reasons.

Bye-bye me,
Renee Durvont.

P.S: Check because it's summer, and you deserve a break!

Renee typed in the website, and now found a picture of snowy mountains with a star-filled sky. She was highly intrigued by where this place could be, and what significance it held.

She then found the link and downloaded her pdf. It held the answers to all the questions that had been revolving around her head like flies.

This was it.

Time to finally get the answers to everything.


(A/N: So that's the end of this short update. Thank you all once again for all the support!
Just wanted to let you all know that I'm going to be updating once a week from now because college is stressful and I really need a break lol.)

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