Chapter 32

114 24 271

31st July 2019


"You know what to do," Noah's voice told me in my head.

We had been practising this moment nearly every day, and yet something about seeing the ancient violet door in front of me, made me gape at it in awe.

The eighth dimension was similar to the sixth dimension, here it was freedom from individuality. As Spirits, we still retained a sense of uniqueness, but higher Spirits went beyond that.

We lost our self of individuality.

Normally, it would have taken us more time, but Noah and I had trained ourselves to do it fast. As soon as the smoky vapours left my head, the purple door fell open.

With bated breath, I entered through, to find myself in an almost white room with white clouds hovering near my feet.

To reach the ninth dimension, I had to find the white door.

"The door is beneath our feet," Noah told me.

Sure enough, as the white clouds cleared away, I found a white trapdoor, with a silver lock.

Crossing this door would send me to the ninth dimension.

And the ninth dimension spoke about a higher purpose.

How as beings of light, we carried more responsibility than lower beings. How it was our duty to guide lower beings onto the path of righteousness. How we would work to maintain peace between the Realms, and be the harbingers of duty.

This wasn't an achievement. It was a responsibility.

This time, the smoky substance escaped from my whole body, diffusing out of me like sodium in water, fizzing and bubbling away, taking away any lower thoughts that didn't serve me anymore. And as that happened, my flowy white robes transformed, into robes weaved out of light.

I felt powerful.

I also felt like I'd aged by several years.

I wasn't just Renee Durvont anymore. I was a Higher Spirit with so much power that had to be used with care and caution.

The door opened quickly, and I fell through it, into a room of absolute darkness.

This room would light up when I reached the White Realm.

The White Realm.

Even thinking about this place brought a smile to my face. I couldn't believe that I was so close to it.

I opened my eyes, and instantly felt the change in my form. I was glowing brighter than before, my robes blinding white, and my hands looked like they were made of clouds.

I couldn't see very well, since my own light obstructed the world around me. Suddenly it made sense of why everything glowed in the After Realm, that was for better visibility.

Next to me, I felt another Higher Spirit, his calm presence masking any apprehension I felt towards my state. He was once known as Spirit Guide Noah Stark, but now, he was a Higher Spirit like me.

"That's it, we're done," He sighed, and I could sense the relief in his voice. "Let's leave."

"Okay," I said.

Then he pulled out our little bubble, which soon engulfed us into it. I hoped that the Shield I'd worn so long ago covered me, I could still feel it against my skin.

Our bubble shot out of the After Realm, zooming over the eighth astral plane. It would take three hours and forty-four minutes like we'd calculated. Relief was all that I felt, we did it, we were safe.

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