Chapter 25

102 27 280

24th June 2019


I hated alcohol.

Yet it was the only thing that could numb my feelings.

We, Spirits, don't have an outlet for pain, it just stays inside, rotting and twisting inside you, transforming your life into something you never wanted.

And all that had happened in my life, I hadn't signed up for any of it.

I noticed the dozen empty glass bottles I'd chugged down in the past few hours. With a flick of my hand, the bottles vanished, but my pain still existed, just like it always would, for eternity.

I glanced at the mirror, trying to assess if I looked sober. I did, and I looked perfect, like the ideal Spirit girl the ISA thought of me to be.

No one knew the alcoholic behind the mask.

No one, except Noah.

The best part was, Noah, didn't even care about how much I'd wrecked my life. How I cried about Isaac all the time, even trying to awaken my telepathy with him. All Noah cared about was Renee now, the girl who shrouded him from reality.

I loved Noah. He was the only person who was left in my life and hadn't walked away yet. When Isaac had been severed, Noah and I made a pact to stick together, no matter what might happen. But now, with all the sneaking around, I was pretty sure the ISA was going to catch him and sever him too.

And I would be left all alone forever, my life meaningless.

A future I can't bear to imagine.

My phone dinged with the sudden notification, and I groaned, hating the fact that I'd signed up to be a Spirit Guide. As usual, it was some human, complaining about their stupid life problems I didn't have the patience for.

The worst part was having to be nice to the people who got on your nerves because it's your job.

A job they don't pay you for, by the way.

However, I nearly dropped my phone when I look at the notification.

Isaac Whitford.

He was the soul waiting to be collected in the Earthly Realm.


I reached the location, a movie theatre packed with people. People were hooting and cheering, and I guessed the movie is some sort of a franchise with lots of superheroes.

Whatever shit humans watched these days.

I settled down in the back row, eyeing the caramel popcorn that people carried. A part of me wanted to know what it tasted like, but the other part rolled her eyes at me for wanting to be a lowly human.

Anyway, I wasn't here for the popcorn, I was here for the soul.

Scanning my eyes over the crowd, I tried to see if I could find Isaac Whitford, the stupid human who was named after my boyfriend. I glanced at my phone again, and I knew that I was at the right location.

But where was he?

"Sugarcakes, you never looked better," said a voice, one that I'd craved to hear for the past year.

I nearly shrieked and dropped my phone, shocked to see him. As I bent over to pick it up, his hands met mine, capturing my fingers in his.

It was Isaac.

My Isaac.

Soft and curly auburn hair fell gently onto his forehead, waiting to be brushed away. His thick, geeky glasses were replaced with sleek ones, making him look like a hot scientist. Those dark eyes shined as he grinned at me before he swiftly tucked in a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

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