Chapter 24

125 27 275

20th June 2019


Shay used to be a bully, playing pranks and making fun of people whom she thought were weak. She had always prided herself to be better than others, a superiority complex that broke down when Isaac had been severed.

I thought she'd put an end to her drama after that, but apparently, she hasn't, since she had lied to Renee and me.

The thing was, I never expected Shay to trick me about my love life. She knew how serious I was about Renee, so it wasn't like her to start messing up my relationship.

She must have had a reason, and I was determined to find out why.

"Shay!" I yelled as I kicked her door open.

I saw Shay crying silently, Isaac's Shield unfurled in front of her. A memory of them embracing each other was displayed on the Shield, reflecting off her eyes.

As soon as I entered, she quickly stuffed the Shield inside, and wiped her tears, returning to her tough as steel attitude.

"Do you know what privacy is?" She snapped, throwing me a dirty look.

"Spirits don't have privacy," I repeated a line from the ISA.

She muttered something about me having a whole realm of privacy, while she just had a bedroom. Then she added in a lot of swear words which I'd rather not write here.

"I want to know why you lied," I said, with a determined look on my face.

"I lie all the time," Shay said impatiently. "How are you, Shay? Oh, I'm FINE... Do you love your job, Shay? Yes, I freaking LOVE my job..."

"Why did you lie to Renee?" I cut her off.

She gave me an evil grin. "So she believed me, huh? What an idiot."

"I'd rather you refrained from insulting her in my presence," I replied.

"I don't care. I hate her, and her little-miss-perfect attitude. She isn't the right person for you, Noah!" Shay said dramatically, before rolling her eyes.

"Haha, as if that is going to make me stop seeing her," I gritted my teeth, trying hard not to lose my temper.

"Fine, Noah! Here's the truth: I'm worried about you!" Shay screamed, "What are you going to do when the ISA assigns you a soulmate?"

My soulmate.

The ISA introduced the concept of soulmates as a pair of souls who were compatible with each other and would help the other in reaching the White Realm. Of course, there wasn't anything romantic in the term, but most soulmates tended to be in a romantic relationship.

My parents were soulmates. So were Shay and Isaac.

"Noah, you're going to turn seventeen in November. You need to be ready to accept your soulmate into your life." Shay looked anxious.

When we were seventeen, the ISA would tell us who our soulmate was. Isaac had turned seventeen two years ago, and when he found out that it was Shay, he was overjoyed.

And that was the day I became a third wheel.

"I don't have to be in a romantic relationship with my soulmate," I said slowly.

"And you think your soulmate would be fine seeing you gallivanting off to her illegal Realm?" Shay questioned, crossing her hands.

I didn't know what to say. Everything Shay said was right, and it hurt me immensely.

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