Chapter 42

80 22 214

3rd August 2019


"D-Destroy our souls?" Mike gasped, shock etched across his face.

"Of course, you are all little rebels we don't need anymore," Spoke another Spirit, her voice falsely sweet. "Don't you agree, Daisy?"

I saw Daisy swallowing hard. "I don't agree, Madame Delilah... When have I ever rebelled against you?"

I figured out that Madame Delilah must have possessed Daisy.

"You may not rebel against us, but we aren't ready to take the risk," A stern-looking Spirit spoke, her eyes scrutinising each of us. "We have given you far too much freedom."

"Freedom by trapping us in this Realm, Madame Victoria?" Violet shot back, her jaw set.

"We have given you a beach house," Spoke an old Spirit. "Does this seem like a trap? We did care about your well being!"

"I don't think so, Sir Stephan," Simon spoke up. "Especially since you want to destroy our souls."

"We stopped caring, ever since Mike betrayed us. We have gone above and beyond to be nice to you all, establish a wonderful life, and this is how you repay us?" Johannes barked. "Is this how you respect us?"

"Respect is to be earned," Clover answered fearlessly. "It isn't something that you demand from people."

"Jeff, let's finish off these kids, I'm so tired of them," Madame Delilah wailed, fanning herself.

"You're right, Daisy," Johannes answered.

"Jeff and Daisy?" I spoke up.

"I am Jeff and this is Daisy and Simon and Violet... We are the real members of LOLtube," Johannes answered with a smug grin. "Those are our nicknames."

"The whole channel was made to popularise ourselves so that people would believe everything we said. It was aimed at the youth, and we found these four humans fit to do our bidding," Madame Victoria told us.

"But, if you destroy our souls, then who will run the channel?" Mike asked, and I was surprised that he still looked rather unfazed.

To this, Johannes and his comrades laughed again, as if they knew something we didn't. Maybe they thought it would terrorize us, but honestly, I just found it annoying.

"We will run the channel... By possessing your bodies... ALL THE TIME!" Johannes declared, grinning like a maniac. "You will never enter your body ever again because we'll destroy your souls!"

He let out an evil laugh that rang across the desolate beach, another reminder that we were very much doomed.

"This is so wrong!" I shouted. "How would any of this benefit the greater good, you're all just selfish!"

"Renee, my dear, you are completely missing the point," Johannes smiled cruelly. "My comrades and I, we are the Greater Good. And this is what benefits us, to have a human body, without dealing with human souls!"

Then they all laughed again, mocking us for being lowly humans too stupid to grasp onto their highly intellectual plans.

"Ren, we need to leave," Mike whispered. "That's how he works, by breaking our confidence down... We shouldn't listen to him anymore-"

"Mike! How dare you talk when I do!" Johannes snarled. "Keep quiet, you pesky brat!"

He pointed towards Mike, sending a ray of light in his direction, and trapping him in a bubble that resembled my Portal Bubble.

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