Chapter 39

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2nd August 2019


I love you.

I just don't want to lose you, like I lost Isaac...

I was desperate, and I didn't know what else would stop you!

His words, these mere words were enough to traumatize me for the next sixteen hours.

At first, I was this higher Spirit, who had no time for confessions of love and had to carry out her duty. I was emotionally strong, powerful, radiant...

No, I was a mess, and I was using my higher form to hide what I truly felt.

This simple realisation made me collapse back into my lowly Spirit form, and I was Renee Durvont again, hurt beyond words by the one person she'd loved the most.

Noah Stark.

I love you.

He never really meant to confess, he just said that so I wouldn't leave. Was he looking out for me like he'd claimed?

Or was he jealous that I was reaching the White Realm before him?

I'm not new to being a victim of jealousy. All through my school years, guys have been jealous of me because I've been outperforming them. So I wouldn't be surprised if Noah felt that way, it's just that I'd never expected someone like him to.

I thought he was different. I thought he understood me.

I thought what we had wouldn't be destroyed in something as stupid as this.

I curled into a ball, not bothering to wipe my tears away. My face hurt from crying, but nothing could beat the feeling of heartbreak in my chest.

I always imagined Noah's supportive smile as I reached the White Realm like he was waiting with the prize at the end of the finish line. I never thought I'd be alone and miserable like this, crying for sixteen hours straight, all alone in a black abyss faintly lit with distant Realms.

As my sixteen hours were nearly over, I could see a white expanse looming towards me, spreading out like the horizon, as far as the eye could see. In normal circumstances, I would've been curious and excited, but now I didn't feel a thing.

All I felt was pain.

Maybe this is what Noah felt like round the clock.

I peered at Isaac's notes. It took sixteen hours and thirty-two minutes to reach the White Realm from the fifth astral plane. And these sixteen hours have gone by in the blink of an eye because I'd been too preoccupied with my thoughts.

According to him, when I reached the White Realm, the Enlightened would receive me.

I wondered if they were Spirits in the Highest form, or if they weren't light beings at all, rather some sort of Alien race that governed all of us.

Noah would've known about them. He always knew everything, how to talk, what to do, what were all the different options we had. He was absolutely right in worrying about me, because right now I was so clueless, and I had no idea as to what to do.

And being who I was, I was stubborn enough to ignore his attempts at telepathy, that he'd stopped communicating after a while.

I doubted that he'd answer me now. But that didn't stop me from trying.

"Noah?" I asked.

There was silence.

"You were right, I don't know anything about the White Realm... And I've been crying continuously for the past sixteen hours... Because what you did, it hurt so much."

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