
99 22 181

18th August 2019

That was it?!

No... It couldn't be...

Not when she had a million questions...

Renee scrambled forwards, hurriedly scrolling through the pdf, but it only threw empty pages at her, making her hopes sink like the titanic. It frustrated her, that despite being so prepared and writing down everything, she still felt clueless as to what lay in store for her.

What lay in store for Noah.

Renee had no idea as to what this pit of darkness was, but the name sounded so terrifying, that Renee could only imagine the horrors that it contained.

And to think that Noah was going to spend five years there, along with the evil Sir Johannes...

Renee didn't know which was worse, it was like being stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea.

Noah. Just thinking his name caused a whirlwind of emotions to surge through her like her heart tried to make up for all that her mind didn't remember. Tears fell down her cheeks, she had loved him so much, she could feel the pain inside her, slowly breaking down her courage.

Would they really see each other again?

Renee didn't know, and facing the question headfirst made her panic more than anything.

What if they didn't see each other?

What if... This was it?

The ultimate end to all her adventures in the Spirit Realm?

Renee stood up abruptly, she had to catch hold of her annoyingly imaginative brain. But fear stood before her, in plain sight, and she knew that it was no use hiding away from it.


It was her dad, holding out his phone. "It's Clover's grandmother, she wants to talk to you... Something about her turtle missing you-"

Renee nearly grabbed the phone and placed it against her ear.

Phyllis would know. She knew everything, right from the ISA hunting her down to Noah being her boyfriend.

"Hello? Renee?" Phyllis asked doubtfully.

"Phyllis!" Renee gasped into her phone. "They've done it, I've been severed."

She noticed that her dad was still there, now watching the meditation Stimulator on her desk with keen interest. He was still keeping an eye on her, and that left Renee slightly bitter.

"I know, Renee. And they've also erased your memories," Phyllis said sadly. "That's terrible."

"But, Noah has it worse-"

"He does," Phyllis agreed. "The pit of darkness is a horrifying place to be in."

Renee sucked in a breath. Phyllis had just confirmed her worst fear.

"The pit is a place that is the inverse of the White Realm. A place that does everything to dissolve a Spirit into nothingness. In other words, it is like a slow and painful death."

Renee swallowed.

"Phyllis, please, there has to be some way to save Noah," She nearly cried. She watched her dad shift slightly at the mention of Noah's name, but Renee knew that he didn't usually pry.

Not like how her mom did anyway.

"Noah isn't alone, Renee," Phyllis said after a pause.

"Exactly! He's chained with that evil, twisted Johannes," Renee answered furiously.

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