Chapter 23

118 28 301

20th June, 2019


Noah and I sat on the large flat rocks that bordered the edge of the stream, the cool water tickling our toes. As I unravelled the bookshelf incident, Noah grew silent, tangled in his thoughts.

"But why would anyone target you, Renee? I mean, you haven't done anything wrong," Noah said as he picked up a pebble and threw it across the stream. It glided across the water, before landing smoothly on the other side.

"Is there a tiny chance that they know about the Realm?" I asked him hesitantly and saw his face harden.

"Not a chance, Renee. This Realm is well guarded," Noah answered firmly, wiggling his fingers so that the stone came flying back into his palm.

"But, it's Sir Johannes. He has his ways of finding out, right?" I countered.

Noah didn't say anything, but I saw the frown lines etched in his face. He threw the stone harder this time, that it barely skimmed the surface of the water, before disappearing from our line of sight.

"It's just that... I'm scared," I felt my voice trembling, "I'm really scared Noah, and I have no idea of what is going to happen and if I'd ever be alive at the end of this-" the tears overcame me, choking my words and making me feel like a helpless little girl. But that's exactly what I was, helpless and little and extremely frightened.

I covered my face with my hands, not wanting Noah to see me cry. But he pried my fingers away and stared at my face with a determined look.

"Renee, I won't let that happen, I'll save you-"

"You're a whole Realm away!" I told him, frustrated, pulling my hands away, "How can you save me? It makes absolutely no sense!"

Noah looked startled but I only felt a tiny bit of guilt. I wiped my tears away, knowing that Noah had no idea how anxious I'd been for the past few days.

"Calm down Renee, there's a way-"

"Oh really? Come on, Noah, tell me if there's a way for me to not get killed! Oh, that's right, there isn't!" I screamed hysterically.

I knew I had no reason to get furious with him. But I couldn't take it anymore, not when I spent every minute watching out for death traps and falling bookshelves.

Noah sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. A part of me immediately felt guilty for seeing him like this, but anger made the guilt evaporate pretty quickly. He was as helpless as I was.

"There's a way," He said loudly, as if he didn't want me interrupting him again. "No, it's not about people not killing you. I can't make you immortal." He almost scoffed at his own words.

"But I can talk to you, whenever you want. If something happens to you, you can tell me immediately," He paused, as he gripped my hands, "And I'll be there."

"And how are we doing that?" I asked, staring straight at him, my heart beating with anticipation.

"Telepathy," Noah grinned, "In the seventh dimension."


Telepathy, as it turned out, was the dimensional ability of the seventh dimension. Which meant that upon access to the seventh dimension, I would be able to communicate with him through telepathy.

The seventh dimension was all about communication. Being truthful. Clearing out misunderstandings. Noah told me that as we sought higher dimensions, they would drain us more emotionally than before.

This was also why reaching the White Realm was a herculean task.

"Can I skip a dimension like that?" I questioned him excitedly as he snapped his textbook shut. "I mean, I've only learnt until the fifth dimension, and I'm going to be learning the seventh..."

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