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     With my brutha being home I knew a lot of shit was about to change .  Niggas on the streets got to thinking that we was slackin' because Jay'Shawn ain't been around and word on the street was some youngsters were trying to come up in the game. I heard their product was ten times better than ours. On top of that they were stealing my clientele, so of course I had to dead the competion and fast.

    I gathered everyone at the safe house so I could announce  my brutha's  presence and changes that was going to be made.

    "Everything aight?" Booter asked as he dapped me up. "We don't normally  do these meetings, so wasup?" He was eager to know what was going on, but just like everyone else he had to wait.

    "Have a seat. You bout' ta' find out." I told him as I scanned to the room.

     Jay'Shawn walked through the doors and the whole room went silent and all the attention was on him. He walked over and stood next to me.

   "Y'all  muthafuckas  surprised huh?" Jay'Shawn asked as he laughed. Booter immediately stood up and made his way to Jay'Shawn. They dapped each other up and from the look on Booter's  face, he was glad that Jay'Shawn  was finally home. He stood next to Jay'Shawn while I stood on the opposite side of him.

    "Some of y'all  thought I wasn't comin' back. Some of y'all wasn't even loyal enough to write me and some of y'all done lost y'all damn minds  right along with my money!" His tone grew more firm and serious, tension then filled the room.

   "Y'all muthafuckas ain't loyal." A grin snunk up on his face as I overlooked the room.  "Caesar, Booter, and Jojo are loyal. So with that said," Jay'Shawn  equipped his Uzi from his waistband and started shooting everyone in the room but those that stood by his side. Which happened to be Booter and I.

    "Booter, burn this bitch down." Jay'Shawn instructed Booter. Booter nodded and grabbed the gasoline can, he started pouring the gas all over the floors of safe house.  Jay'Shawn motioned for me to follow him and I did.

We drove off in his all black Mercedes-Benz.

   "What the fuck we gon do now? You murked  the whole team!" I clinched my jaws in frustration.

    "Trust me, they had to go. They weren't loyal or trustworthy. We don't need that in our circle." Jay'Shawn  said as he parked in front of the liquor store.
Why the fuck would he do that? We needed them niggas  to run our corners. I grew angry in the front seat.

  "You can't just keep taking matters into yo' own hands Shawn!" , "They were making us money!"

   Jay'Shawn  began to laugh and looked over at me.

   "Listen little bruh, I've been gone too long. It was cool you handled some shit well I'm back so relax. Stop stressing, I told you to trust me" He grabbed my shoulder tight and then hopped out the car and into the liquor.
I'm not no little brutha  no mo.

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