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  I don't like how Jay'Shawn just came home and snatched everything from underneath my feet. That squad he killed was my team, I built them. They wasn't perfect but I was going to mold them to be what I wanted them to be. Well it seems like I took too long to do that and now I was back where I started, underneath my brutha's wing. I wasn't no little ass boy no mo. I wanted it all and I also wanted to control it all too. Everybody knew me as Jay'Shawn's  little brutha or Skee's  son.  Fuck all that, I had to make a name fo' myself. Instead of muthafuckas makin' a name fo me. 

    Weeks flew by and I managed to get us a trap house deep on the Southside. It was one floor with an attic and basement.  That was good enough,  that's all we really needed. Now all we needed were some workers.  I made my way home and saw Booter and Jay'Shawn sitting on my couch with an unfamiliar face.

   "Who the fuck is this nigga?  A junkie?" I asked irritated at the fact that this old dusty muthafucka was sitting on my couch. He stood up and approached me,  my jaws tightened as well as my fist.

     "Show some respect boy." He demanded. I shoved him hard causing him to stumble back.  Jay'Shawn instantly stood up in defense. 

     "Yo chill the fuck out Caes!!" He yelled as he shoved me back. 

     "It's Ray nigga." He added as I stared him down.  Honestly I ain't give a fuck who he was. No nigga named Ray rung a bell to me.

     "I don't give a fuck!" I blurted out with anger.

    "I ran with your father. I was the biggest connect there was. Me and Skee's were like brothers." Ray said as he looked me in my eyes.  At that moment it hit me who he was,  but this didn't look like the OG I knew.  What the fuck? I asked myself as I looked him over.

   "My fault, I ain't recognize you."

    "I'll let it slide but get disrespectful like that again and I might forget that you actually family young blood." He grabbed hold of Jay'Shawn's shoulder and said, "I see why you in charge. You handle things better." I saw a smile creep up on Jay'Shawn's face and I just wanted to sock both of them muthafuckas in they faces. But I kept my cool. 

      "I got us some good ass supply but I didn't know it was just y'all three." He turned to Jay'Shawn and asked, "I thought you had a team built." I wanted to tell Ray how stupid his dumb ass was and how he killed my men. I was still upset about that.

    "We doing shit differently. We need workers. We are our own men, we are all we can trust," Jay'Shawn continued,"This is my loyal circle."

     I interrupted,  "Everything ain't yours Shawn!," "You just got back home and you trying to control every fucking thing!"

    "When I die the power gets passed down to you then Booter,  then our kids. Stop acting young." I clinched my jaws and turned my attention towards Ray.

    "So where the product at? Cause I got the trap house deep on the Southside. It's lowkey."

    "The shipment will be here son." Ray said responding. "We got three days and we back on deck." I nodded.

    "We can always keep moving this weed." I threw a pound of weed onto Booter's lap and he instantly began bagging them up one by one. 

    "This shit staaank!" Booter said smiling as he bagged up the weed. 

     "Y'all take care of that while me and Ray find some workers." Jay'Shawn said as him and Ray dapped up Booter and I. 

    I had so much on my mind when it came to this control thing.  Fo' four years I was in control of shit. I had shit on lock now that shit was gone. I wasn't going to wait fo' my brutha to die to become the leader. No, fuck that.

     "Yo you got some H?" A fiend asked me. I shook my head no and Booter walked towards me.

     "I sold bout' a hunnid bags. I'm finna go to the crib." He said as he dapped me up.

     "Tell Shawn I'll cut the money tonight and give him his half tomorrow."

     "That half belong to me. It's my weed."

    Booter shook his head and said, "Yo I hope you not gon' become a selfish muthafucka ova dis' money.  Yanno' Shawn gon' give you ya' half. We all gotta eat." With that said Booter walked away.

  Fuck what he was talking bout. Shawn wasn't gettin' any of my money. Not even a cut of it,  this shit was mine!  I had control over this.

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