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It had been a month exactly from the consummation and every one in the palace had been wondering for days, weeks, on whether or not Malia was pregnant. Her maids had not seen any signs of pregnancy but have also yet to find traces of bloody cotton from her courses.

Malia had been in her chambers sitting in her chair staring lifelessly out of the window. It was below ten degrees outside and she had the window open feeling the skin crackling cold air embrace her smooth skin. The loud noise of the doors being opened did not break her from her trance but from the aggravated and rough footsteps she knew it was her husband.

"Why in hell is this window open, it's freezing in here!" He raised his voice and shut the window. He had had enough of her antics and how she moped around her for the past month. She was beginning to bring down the mood of the entire palace. It was supposed to be his kingdom, his peace, his place to just be himself and engulfed himself in whatever he pleases, as he is the king.

His attention averted from the window and to her seeing that her trance remained. He sighed . He did not know what to do with her and was started to regret his decision to marry her in hopes of peace. She was supposed to be keeping peace and yet every time he turned around he had to worry about what she was doing and how her being the way she was, was damaging his reputation. The only thing he needed from her was to be cheery and to give him babies.. that is it but this.. was entirely something he was unprepared for.

"What is the matter with you.. why are you not happy? You have everything a woman could ever want.. you know what I'm not..." he said shaking his head not wanting to spend time wasting on her. He really just wanted to know if she was pregnant

"I just want to know if you are pregnant.. hmm? Have you had your courses are you pregnant?" He asked pressing on the situation making it impossible to avoid his questions. Malia looked at him plainly and exhaled

"I don't know.." She merely said. Nolan slid his hands against his thick curly hair and stopped at the back of his neck and bit his lip in anger. He closed his eyes taking deep breaths and just took one last exhale before walking towards the door. On the way out was a vanity full of perfumes, jewels and other items that lost their use when he knocked everything on the vanity onto the floor breaking the glass containers holding the substances.
Nolan proceeded to exited the room walking briskly through the halls of the palace. He saw two ladies laughing and talking together in the quad area. He stood back awhile an admired one of them. She was attractive to say the least, her bright skin. She had long hair that was braided into a long ponytail. Her lips.. her lips were what caught his attention. The things she could do with those lips. Just in time his advisor and most trusted person in his circle, Loretta walked by.

"Loretta.. I'm in need of your assistance." King Nolan projected his voice so she could make her way towards him. He, not taken his eyes off of the girl, smirked at the thought of his question.

"What can I help you with sir?" She asked ready to do whatever he needed her to do. She admired the king very much so much that anything he said was held dear.

"Who is that girl.. the one with the braid? She is... mmm.. who is she?" He asked eagerly pressed with eyes filled with lust. Loretta swallowed her spit hardly at heist questions but still proceeded to answer him.

"That is Dya Manners... Sir Grayson Manner's daughter." Loretta reluctantly said. Grayson manners was his majesty's knight guard. He was a zealous and relentless fighter who loyalty was unmistakably for King Nolan Keith. His father fought for The king when he was only seven at the time and inherently so did Grayson. To that piece of information out made it so much better

"Okay okay... have her come to my chambers tonight." He said confidently and starting walking away from the situation going into his next thing before being stop

"Your majesty!" Someone yelled distinctly stopping the king in his tracks. He turned around to see a boy running to him with an envelope in his hand. Once the boy finally caught up with him, he handed Nolan the envelope

"This was given to me by a Man in armor with green outlining.." the boy explained. Hearing the boy describe his armor being green out lined, Nolan's body tensed up in preparation for the unexpected. Nolan exhaled and nodded his head running his fingers over the seal knowing who it was from.

"Thank you.. run along now." He ordered the boy who had did has he was told. Nolan looked around seeing if anyone had saw this brief transaction before going to his offices alone. Although the king had many loyalist, people ready to serve and protect him both out of fear and respect.. the king himself was a very lonely man.

He threw the sealed envelope onto his desk and put his hands on his hips pondering what could be in that note. He could feel his heart beating fastly and the hairs on his neck stand up before he realized he needed to calm down and actually read the letter. He sighed , walking around the desk before sitting down in his chair and getting comfortable. He then cracked the seal open and noticed that handwriting. Neat, straight forward, easily understood.

'King Nolan Keith, if you are reading this that means you've already went through the emotions of even getting the delivery of this letter. I want you to know that since you've banished me I have been plotting against you and your throne. Mark my words my dear boy, before you know it I will have your head on a spike and you remains will be fed to the wolves... I know I have committed treason by writing this letter alone but I have such boldness because I am confident you will not find me.. you will not see me.. hear of me until it is time for you to see our savior Jesus Christ.

With much hatred,

Your mother, Cassandra Jalisa '

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