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Present time...

Nolan broke himself from his gaze of the outside and turned his attention to his cabinet. Loretta was going on and on speaking about strategy and what we could do. Nolan just sat down in his chair and listened.

"No that would not be wise. If we send our men out there to go and fight on a possibility that only leads to ours dying. That would only weaken our defense more and leave room for the common people and the royal family to be attacked." Loretta projected her opinion with poise and character. She knew what she was talking about being first handedly in the mix of situation gone wrong because people were too eager to solve a problem.

"What do you mean a possibility.. it's been nearly a month and we have had at least one person killing themselves a day. In the name of Cecil. That treasonous bastard. Literally." Grandmaster Arnold spoke ready to strike in fear of being ransacked at least expected. Nolan sat plainly just thinking about his plan. What he needed to do to make these problems go away. He had to be smart and think effectively for he had a wife and unborn child on the way. Victory wasn't a choice, it was a obligation.

"It's that anger that got us into many unnecessary wars, wars that is the proximate cause of the issue at hand. We cannot keep killing people and maiming them like animals. At a certain point people will fight back and this is one of those times.." Loretta argued her points. She had been right, they had created many issues unnecessarily. As the two went went on with there banter, everyone else just listened to the points that both made.

"And besides... Ashdom is a free kingdom, people are free to practice whatever religion they want as long as it doesn't involve blood sacrifices of any sort.. to fight this would be a religious war. Ashdom as not participated in such activities since the Rowanian Times." Loretta explained correctly once again. Everyone nodded there heads and Nolan took a deep breath still decided his plan.

The doors opened and Malia walked in breaking everyone's conversation as she slid as she instructed a servant to pull out a chair for her and help her sit down. The door closed signaling that the servants had left them to their privacy. Malia stomach was finally showing her pregnancy and she so was her emotions. Although her hormones had been everywhere she was determined to be in mix of the business. She had known of Wives and Queens who were just seen and not heard, and she did not want to be one of those. She wanted to be heard, respected, protected, as well as adored. She wanted to be seen and recognized as Malia the Queen.. not just Malia the Queens Consort.

Nolan eyed her every move not wanted to be fuss with her about her getting rest because as hard as it was for him to adjust he had been more accustomed to his wife's bullheadedness. To only aggravate the situation would only upset him and solve no problem.

"My lady you should be in your bed resting. You still have ways to go before you give birth and we don't want any complications.." Loretta said and Malia smiled and rubbed her small but present belly.

"I'm aware Loretta thank you.. I should be the first to know that complications are not wished.. I am the one carrying the baby.." Malia spoke as a matter of factly all the while keeping the very polite smile on her face. Loretta took a moment to look down at her paper and nod feeling embarrassed as the room was quiet. The only sound one could hear was the sound of the council clearing their throats through the awkwardness. Nolan shook his head and clapped his hands together.

"You all have said some compelling things, and I have taken them into well consideration it's just one thing that makes this matter different.." Nolan said standing up walking over to a small table and poured a glass of wine and drank it down. He turned back around seeing eyes on him waiting for him to continue.

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