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Three months had went by like three days and the time had come for the two cousins to finally end their feud. Nolan stood still has he was dressed in his armor, while he was in his head about everything. Against everyone's wishes Nolan was determined to fight Cecil Alone.

"You know your bullheadedness will get you killed one day.." Malia said watching him get ready. He chuckled.

"Mine... your the most stubborn woman.. I'm sorry,person, period that I know. And this way is better anyway." He said dismissing the person clothing him as he walked over to his bed written wife who had in three months gotten huge unable to much of anything.

"Promise me you'll be able to greet you child on their arrival.." she said and he smirked and kissed her lips.

"You know what will bring good fortune..?" He asked pulling the blankets back getting on his knees, lightly spreading her legs. She laughed

"Cut it out.. I am as big as a house.. you can't find it attractive." She said and he pulled up her dress with a smirk.

"Let me just get a small taste.. before I go." He whispered as he came face to face with her womanhood. Malia closed her eyes feeling the wetness of his tongue letting herself fall into the pleasure. He knew how to use his tongue effectively and the moans above his head escaping her lips only enticed him to keep going with no intention of stopping although her juices crept from her canal in his mouth and on his lips. He lived for this shit and Malia was excatly on his page. She held his head pushing him deeper and deeper feeling him not letting up, not giving her a chance to breath.

"Sir... we should get going.." Loretta knocked on the door saying.

"Aahhh!!..oh- my ..." was the response from the room letting her know that she needed to wait. Nolan shook his head between her legs, making noises, slurping, sucking and licking squeezing he thighs.

"Mmmm.. mmmm... mmm" she moaned getting a higher pitch each time feeing herself closer to finishing. She grabbed hold of his hair tightly grabbing as she finished with her legs shaking and breath hitched. She winced in pleasure, laying back on the bed curling up.

"Mm come here.." he said leaning down and kissing her lips, deepening it letting her taste herself off of his lips. "I have to leave now.." he said With Malia whining

"I want to go but I am stuck in this bed.." she said and that made him laugh.

"You have a much important job than I do.." he said standing to his feet helping her get restituted in the bed before making it to the door.

"Right now your most important job is to come back to me and this baby." She said as of matter of factly. Nolan opened the door slightly.

"I couldn't think of a better Heaven than that..." he smirked.  "I'll come back to your darling don't worry about me eh?" He said and just like that. He was gone.

The Silver Throne (18+) {historical romance}Where stories live. Discover now