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The event went on for hours well into the early morning. People had stood before the Royal duo and bestowed them with gifts of song, poetry, dancing. Other pledged their loyalty to the future heir and the masses celebrated in laughter, talking, dancing, drinking all night. Malia was actually enough herself actually finding herself laughing amongst the inner table with only the highest of the highest noble blood and king and queen.

"And Queen Malia what about you, you have any brothers and sisters?" One of the wives of the nobleman, Isley, asked as they were sharing stories about siblings. Malia chocked on her food a bit, coughing as she tried to catch her breath. She swallowed and nodded her head

"Yeah I do.. I'm the oldest out of five." She said weakly. Isley smiled in Aw. Because the Queen had only been introduced to the people on the day of her coronation, nobody knew much about her. All they knew was her family was rich and that her village was just outside the capital of Ashdom. Even with their betrothal at her age ten she hadn't stepped foot in the palace since before her wedding.

"That so sweet." Isley said as Malia nodded in agreement.

"Yes I miss them all very much and was actually thinking on asking the king about allowing them to stay in the palace with us." The king spit out his wine that was in his mouth making attention turn to them. He furrowed his eyebrows and wiped his mouth. He felt that they're prior actions was all a swindle, a hoax to get him to renege on his terms of agreement. He hated sneaky people more of the less a sneaky woman. He knew how woman were the smartest creatures ever to walk earth and that with too much power they would take over. They would lose sight of their place, just like his mother did.

"This is the first time I'm hearing of this." He said looking at Malia as she was fidgeting with her fork. Malia forced a smile and looked at him.

"Well you know about our recent encounter. My visit with them brought me to good spirits and I was just hoping that with their presence I would remain that way.." she said reassuringly. She knew what he must have been thinking and did not want him to get angry. The only thing worse than his violent streak was his pettiness. Everyone at the table was quiet and didn't dare to speak as the couple were having a moment.
Nolan shook his head and slammed his napkin down on the table. He thought that they could get past the past and move one. He did not want them together because of his paranoia. Who's to say that being around her family would give them a reason to plot against him. He already had too many loved ones, turn on him.. and because of it he was always waited for the other shoe to drop.

"Malia.. I-" before he could continue, Loretta had approached the table quickly and kneeled down to whisper something in his ear. It was quick but from the expression on his face it was something serious.

The vibe around the room changed as King Nolan was eyeing everyone from the new he had heard. The laughter, chatter and other things were starting to mush together and sound inaudible as he was observing. He felt Malia put her hand on his thigh and felt himself come back to reality. He looked at her still half way in his trance as Malia looked at him worriedly.

"Is everything alright?" She asked. He just kept scanning the room until no longer had to. What he was looking for stood out like a highlighter.
Three people stood up from the seats abruptly, breaking conversations and making attention be on them.

"We are followers of Cecil... he has a message for you and all of your loyal subjects. The times of the Quartermaine Reign has ran its course. I Cecil Kabir Will restore power back into Ashdom and make it once more Islamic." One man said loudly enough for everyone to hear and know what he meant. Everyone was shocked at what was occurring and Malia was looking at Nolan trying to read his face.

The Silver Throne (18+) {historical romance}Where stories live. Discover now