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Nolan had seen the bottom of his wine class for the tenth time within the last two hours. Only stewing in his thoughts making him angrier and angrier.

"EVIL BITCH!" He yelled at the top of his lungs and threw the glass at the wall hearing it shatter and break. He stumbled over his foot and fell, making his guards come in followed by Loretta trying to help him.

"Do not touch me!" He raised his voice and everyone backed up and watched as he stood to his feet again. He was upset about his mother and the letter she had sent him. Nolan sent out a hundred me to look for her all over Ashdom, her men, her followers. Not a peep, nor a shred of evidence since that letter. She threatened his life and he had no doubt that she would try to kill him, and actually succeed if she had the chance. She was more than smart, more than conniving, she was wicked at its finest and crossing her was certain you would be ruined.. if not dead. As a king nothing scared him, he fought in many battles, had many scares, seen many deaths, many things ten year old boys let alone a twenty seven year old man should never see. He had been exposed to plagues, to disasters, and simply just the horrors committed by people, but his mother was his fear. Their history was more than toxic, her love always coming with a price, and him never being able to afford enough.

He walked out of his office that he had barricaded himself in for a two weeks in and was surprised at what he saw. Malia was walking around with these two little girls walking beside her hand and hand. They were pulling her as Malia followed. The smile on her face was more than beautiful, it filled the room. Her laugh, so harmonic and watching her eyes have light in them was the best part. Nolan stopped walking and stood and admired her as she was heading his way. When he approached him her smile dropped and demeanor hardened

"If you are standing there to harass me about being with child then you can stop, I'm late for my courses and I am never late... looks like you have your wish." She said harshly. Malia did not want to be pregnant especially with a terrorist like Nolan's child. She wanted with all of her might to drink some tea with herbs in it but the fear of him actually standing on his word and taking her head is what stopped her.

Though when she told him the news he starting chuckling and clapping. The two girls were standing there just looking at him as was Malia. Nolan looked up at the ceiling and pointed a finger in approval.

"Whenever I see the dark clouds approaching god always puts a rainbow in sight... I'm so happy right now! This causes for celebration" he said ecstatic at the news he had received. At a time like this the best thing for him to have is an heir to keep his name going in case of his death. Although, this had given him even more incentive to defeat any and everyone who would try to harm him or his family.

Malia lightly smiled and nervously cleared her throat. "No I don't think that necessary.." she said urging the girls to run along and play leaving them to their adult conversations.

"Nonsense... you Are the Queen and inside you is the future king." He said already touching her stomach but he had already seen the vision. Malia felt uncomfortable with him touching her and gently removed his hand, stepping back.

".. or Queen." She protested. She figured it was nothing she could do about procreation but she could raise her child, boy or girl to be better than what the world is. Especially if she had a boy.. she would want him to be nothing like his father but more than Her father.. Harrison Rhys.
Nolan smirked at her comment and nodded his head in agreement, moving in place of her last standing position defeating the purpose of her stepping back.

"Tomorrow evening we will feast and enjoy ourselves with festivities.." Nolan again spoke in a command tone more of telling her how it would rather than her choice. Malia nodded

The Silver Throne (18+) {historical romance}Where stories live. Discover now